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Tom and Syd had came back with Vodka a few minutes ago and by now everyone had finished theirs.

And Gustav has also dropped a bomb on Tom by saying that he has a girlfriend named Kaylee who will be here. At this party. TONIGHT. And that everyone in the band knew but him.

Bill looked around awkwardly and gave Gustav a look. "You didn't fucking tell Tom you had a girlfriend?!"

"Oh my goddddd!!!! I said i was sorry like 7 times!" Gustav said.

"Still! He's gonna bug me about this for the rest of my life now."

"I'm sorry." Gustav said one last time.

Tom and Syd rushed back into the room. They had gone to check what was going on outside.

"Uh people are being let in now." Tom said.

Bills eyes shot up, "really?"


Bill took a few dramatic breaths to calm himself down, and Tom made a funny face.

Georg shook his arms out and Gustav practiced his drumstick flip.

"You and Adalyn could go out now. They wont recognize you guys. You know the backstage door code if you need it. We will meet up with you guys after we perform."

I nodded and then we both went out to the dance floor.

While Syd went to grab drinks i bumped into someone. I turned around quickly.

"Oh hey! I'm sorry."

He put his hand on my shoulder. "No your good."

We started talking for a few minutes but then a man came onto the stage, pushing the dj off.

He spoke into the mic, "Everybody!! Welcome to the Tokio Hotel fan party. I would like to thank you all for baying here tonight. I hope you all have fun. And now i would like to invite Tokio Hotel to the stage!"

All the girls started screaming making me and the boy laugh.

The boys came out and got into their places.

Tom and Georg started playing and then Gustav joined it.

"So what's your name?"


"I like that name." I said, biting my lip.

He's not even cute. This is just the alcohol talking for me. And the feelings im pushing deep inside.

"Empty streets. I follow every breath into the night." Bill began singing.

His voice is beautiful. But i'm not really listening.

Me and Nick began dancing with eachother.

"The wind so cold..." Bill sand slowly, i could hear his voice cracking at 'cold'. "The sun is frozen, the world has lost its light."

Apocalypse || Bill Kaulitz Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora