Chapter One

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3rd person's pov

"Now, now Satang calm down~" The Hybrid cooed at her younger sister

The Shapeshifter sniffled, wiping her nose as she watches by the window how the hunters shot a running rabbit.

The Queen watches the two near the window before shaking her head as she saw the youngest crying, again.

"But the cute rabbit..." The Hybrid sense that her younger sister is in distress. She looks at the throne room, seeing the Queen glaring at her, if she didn't calm their youngest sister she will be in trouble. She sighs and starts patting her younger sister's head.

"Shh~ it's just a rabbit, so don't stress yourself" The Hybrid said in a soft voice, trying to calm the youngest. Satang glared at her for saying "It's just a rabbit"

The Shapeshifter huffed before transforming into Squirrel, "You suck, Momoring!" Satang said before running away

The Queen had the urge to facepalm but restrained herself since it will "ruin" her image as a Queen

Momoring watches her younger sister run with the help of her little feet, it's a cute sight. Watching a squirrel running in the hallway with puffy cheeks, was cute indeed.

Suddenly, her gushing toward her sister is cut off by the Head Knight walking down the hallway of the throne room before kneeling in front of his Queen.

"Good Afternoon, My Queen" Said the head knight while bowing, "I got good news and bad news"

The Queen nod, dismissing his bow. The man stands straight, looking at his majesty's eyes with fear.

"Tell me the bad news" The monotone voice of the Queen sends a shiver down the head knight's spine

"The east kingdom found Prince Sunghoon's deceased body" The shakiness in his voice can be heard as he tells the bad news

Momoring, who's close to Sunghoon can't help but gasp at the news. Just a week ago the young man visited her asking how to woo his beloved crush, Sunoo.

And hearing the news just by now breaks her heart into pieces. The Hybrid walks near the Head Knight, sneering down at him.

"Who killed my cousin..." The Hybrid glares down at the poor head knight, knowing its not his fault but yet she can't help but seek the answer

The Head Knight's body trembles in fear, dark energy is surrounding both sisters, and he can't help but feel weak. It's no secret that the three sister's power is beyond anyone else's. They truly are the powerful kingdom, no doubt.

"T-they didn't know, your majesty. But Queen Nayeon said her knights told her that there was a silver stake planted on his chest. Queen Jeongyeon suspects that it must be Hunters who killed the Young Prince" The Head guard stated

"Bullshit! Sunghoon is highly skilled, to think he can't take down Hunters is beyond me– ARGH!" The Hybrid shouts, her claws making their appearance as she claws the air in anger.

The Head Knight squeaks in fear, stumbling backward and landing on his rear.

"I shall contact the east kingdom later, but for now send our kingdom's deepest condolences to the Young Prince family" The Queen commands, the Head Knight immediately stands up

"I will, your majesty. But how about the good news?"The Head Knight asks meekly

"Ah yes, proceed with it"

The Head Knight takes a breath

" The Head Witch has been able to find your soulmate and she's a mere mortal, your majesty " The Head Knight winced

He knows what's their reaction for one reason...



The two sisters hate humans...No, not hate... But they despise those disgusting, selfish humans!


Satang in her Squirrel form heard the good news, and start jumping with happiness, because she was the only one who likes mortal humans.

"I should have stayed with my husband, " The Head Knight thought

That's it for today, it's already 3 am here so I need sleep ^^

This will stoey will contain mostly fluff and cringe chapters with a little bit of drama

Sorry for the grammatical errors, English is not my forte ^~^

Sorry for the grammatical errors, English is not my forte ^~^

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2023 ⏰

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