
17 1 0

( a/n : I have passed 30 reads , I appreciate it all. Thank you!!! )

Mark had already came back home with the stuff haechan requested and haechan had already showered

His friends were still in the house. " Haechan?" Jaemin asked haechan who was making sandwiches for everyone

Haechan hummed a " yes?"

" There is uh...... nevermind" the words wouldn't come out of jaemins mouth

After haechan made the sandwiches , he sat down on the kitchen chairs with mark next to him. Mark kept on caressing haechans thigh and gave him little hickeys. Haechan slightly moaned. Yuta passes by them and said " seems like someone is having fun "

mark stopped and just continued eating his food. The two sat down on the couch and watched tv when haechans phone vibrated

Momma momma bear

Hey , are you fine? Just checking up on you
seen at 10:01 am

Yeah , I'm doing fine also mark
seen at 10:02 am

Okay , that's good news. Bye , sweetie
seen at 10:03 am

seen at 10:04 am

Haechan put phone down but he got another text message but he ignored it not knowing that the text came from chenle


Hey , you fine?
sent at 10:07 am

You dead?
sent at 10:10 am

sent at 10:13 am

Hallelujah, the baby is born!!!
sent at 10:15 am

Oh you wanna ignore me now , huh?
sent at 10:20 am

My baby was crying but it decided to shut up and shit so I made jisung change the diapers , not me
sent at 10:32 am

Hellooooooo , too busy making babies to respond to my messages?
sent at 10:36 am

Oh so you wanna shut up and shit? Okay.......I know you take long in bathroom especially after you met cuz y'all be making babies in the bathroom , I know that , don't lie
sent at 10:40 am

Girl , respond?!!!!!
sent at 10:51 am

Yes , what do you want??
sent at 10:58 am

I just wanted to make sure that you're alive
seen at 11:00 am

What's wrong today? Everyone is texting me if im alive , even my mom texted me to make sure I'm alive. Like do y'all think that I died or got into a car accident or something??
seen at 11:01 am

Leave me alone, I'm spending time with my crew and since when do you have a baby?
seen at 11:02 am

It was a lie just to make you respond
seen at 11:03 am

And I don't take long in bathroom just to take a sht
seen st 11:05 am

seen at 11:06 am

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