Genya X Reader

525 9 6

Requested by Salmon33



Author's note: there is NO SMUT, you guys are in highschool.

"You have too" you violently shook your head, you couldn't confess to Genya what if he didn't like you? or worse he won't want to be friends anymore.

"I can't" you held your hands against your chest for comfort.

"Yes you can, what's there to lose?" A lot.

"Our friendship, the walk of shame if he rejects me, do I need to go on?" Kanao rolled her eyes.

"You're thinking about the bad, think about the positive like if he said yes then you two could date and who knows one day you'll get married" she jokingly winked at the marriage part.

"That would be nice"

"Exactly now all you've got to do is make it come true" you took a deep breath and puffed out your chest.

"Okay I'm going to do it" Kanao gave you a little cheer.

"You've got this"

"Hey, what are you guys talking about?" Genya, and Tanjiro pulled out a chair so they could sit down, Tanjiro was next to Kanao while Genya was next to you.

"Oh nothing, just girl things" Tanjiro pulled Kanao closer and placed his hand around her shoulder, you could picture you and Genya like that. Cuddling each other so everyone knew that you were together.

(I want that 😔)

"Actually Genya, y/n wanted to ask you something" he looked at you with curiosity in his eyes.

"Uh actually I was going to ask if you had last week's science notes, yeah I wasn't there when Mr. Uzui gave the lecture" you gave an awkward smile trying to make it seem more believable.

"Oh yeah I have them, just come over later so you can copy" wait what, this was not how you attended it to go.

"W-wait your h-house?" He nods.

"Well yeah, where else?" You gulped.

"G-great" you faced away and looked at Kanao, she pinched the bridge of her nose, at least you got an invite to his house.


"I blew it" you started whining, notes seriously?

"Hey it's okay, you can still confess" you slid to the ground and covered your eyes.

"There's two ways this could go down, number one you actually confess and start dating, number two you chicken out and don't say anything" she held out her hands.

"So which one do you choose?" You look at her hands then at her.

"Or three he says no and I have to awkwardly get out of there" she rolls her eyes.

"Not possible, it's obvious he likes you" you looked at her.

"How do you know for sure?" She scoffs.

"Come on, you haven't picked up on the way he acts around you?" You shake your head.

"Just trust me on this"

"How did you do it?"


"How did you confess to Tanjiro?" She taps her finger to her lips.

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