I'll bring you to mine

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Me and Finley were sat in his room, him on the floor and me on the bed. I've been friends with Finley since we were kids, longer than I've know Ariana. He was part of the trio me, him and Taylor had.

"I think Ariana might be angry with me..." He said slowly.

"How so?" I led on my stomach so my head was beside his.

"She's really distant...but more than usual..." He was playing with his hands.

"Funny enough she said the same about you..." I turned onto my back.

"Huh?" He looked at me.

"Mhm..." I closed my eyes and nodded.

"Wanna get drunk?" He said, changing the topic.

"Mhm..." I nodded, feeling tired.


An hour in and we were completely off our faces. The whole room was spinning and every emotion I had was intensified.

"Oh my god..." Finely slurred, standing up from the bed but falling back down again.

I laughed a little, taking a sip from the bottle that was almost empty. He had already given up and led next to me.

"Keira..." He said softly, talking the bottle and finishing it.

"Yeah?" I turned to him.

"Do you ever miss Taylor?" He asked, looking down, "Like really miss him..."

"Yeah..." I nodded, "You know...I blame myself for the crash sometimes..."

I was so drunk anything could slip from my mouth and I couldn't do anything about it.

"You shouldn't...there was nothing you could do..." He took a quick glance at me, "I think that if Taylor was here...we wouldn't be doing all this gang shit...that we would have followed up with our plans and went to Europe..."

"We'd be in fucking Greece right now...sunbathing until we were brown...with a bottle of vodka and music!" I laughed a little.

"Taylor would probably have kid, knowing him! So we'd all help raise it, Auntie Keira and Uncle Finley!" He chuckled.

"Taylor would've been great father to be fair!" I nodded.

"Yeah..." Finley choked a little as he spoke.

I could never shake off why I survived. If there was a god then why me? I mean, Taylor was smart, he was funny, kind, caring and I'm none of that. Taylor could do things and get somewhere in life. I barely got through Highschool.

"Taylor is probably in Greece right now...he wouldn't be sat here watching us as people say...he'd be drinking his heaven vodka and sun tanning on a beach!" I joked.

"Heaven vodka? You mean Hell right?" Finley said, wiping a tear.

"That seems more accurate!" I giggled a little.

"Keira..." It always freaks me out when he just says my name on its own.


"I love you..." He nudged me a little.

"I love you too Finley..." I smiled.


I don't know how the fuck we got here but me and Finely were in a big crowd of people in the middle of the park. I was too out of it to know where I was going or what I was doing.

"Fin-" I looked over to my side and didn't see Finely, "Where the fuck..."

I stood up and started to walk, trying to look for him. He wasn't with the group so I started to look other places.

"Finely?!" I called.

"Guerra?" Someone from the group called, running towards me.

I was too drunk to make out who it was but I turned around and saw Tom.

"Kaulitz?" I squinted, it was so dark and I was seeing two of everything.

"Jesus...how much have you had?" He held me up.

"A lot..." I groaned, "Have you seen Finley?"

"The boy you were with?"


"He got in your friend's car...a while ago actually...you haven't noticed this entire time?"

"No I'm drunk as fuck..." I shrugged, walking but then proceeding to stumble.

"Yeah ok...you need to go home or something!" He laughed.

"Yeah..." I groaned, sitting on the bench beside us and running my hands through my hair.

-Tom's pov-

I know what you're probably thinking. Why would I help her? But to be honest she was drunk and helpless, she seemed upset and was clearly going through some shit. We've all been there and as much as I don't care for other people, she needed this.

"Do you want me to drive you?" I kneeled down in front of her, earning an odd look.

"Why are you helping me?" She slurred.

"Cause you're drunk...and I'm a nicer person than I come off!" I smirked smugly, trying to cheer her up.

She smiled a little as I helped her up, I wrapped her arm over my shoulders and walked her to my car. I placed her in the front seat and out her belt on for her, she was half asleep at this point. Her eyes looked at me tiredly, I smiled a little before closing the door.

I started to drive and saw she was staring st my hands in the wheel.

"So why are you getting so drunk so quick...it's not even nine yet..." I asked.

"Life's shit..." She mumbled, slouching into her seat a little.

"Can't argue with that..." I shrugged, taking a turn.

"Shit..." She muttered looking at her phone.

"What's wrong?"

"I can't go home...my dad he'll kill me! Quite literally! He's already angry with me! More then usual!" She exclaimed.

"Alright! Where do you wanna go?" I nodded.

"I don't know! Just uhm...shit..." She dragged her hands down her face.

"I'll bring you to mine! Don't worry..."

"What?" She seemed taken back, "What about your dad?"

"Are you gonna kill him when we get there?" I joked a little.

"Do I look like I have a gun on me?!" She patted her pockets.

"He's not home anyways..."

"What about your mom? Won't she tell him?"

I looked away from her silently, looking at the road.

"Oh shit...sorry..." She apologised.

"Don't worry!" I shook my head, "You're nicer when you're drunk!"

She smiled and looked down, blushing almost. Then her head tilted up before she scrambled so she was hidden under the window. I looked to where she looked and saw someone who looked like her dad, sat on a bench on the sidewalk looking at the car.

"Go! Tom just go!" She said quickly.

I did what she said so she sat up.

"Fuck..." She sat up, sounding like she was about to cry.

"Hey it's ok..." I nodded.

Her breathing became heavy as she ran her hands through her hair.

"Keira...it's ok!" That man must have really fucked her up in a way, "It wasn't your dad!"

She nodded and looked out the window, facing away from me.

We drove for a few minutes and then we got to my house. I helped her out the car and bought her up to my room.

"You play guitar?" She asked, sitting on the end of my bed.

Damaged goods // T.KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now