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"Don't Remember Me For Who I Was, Remeber Me As Who I Would've Been"

"Certainly! It is a beautiful gesture that can generate feelings of warmth and tenderness. From the moment you wrap your arms around someone, a sense of closeness engulfs you. As your chests touch, you feel the other person's heartbeat against your own, and the rhythm of your breath synchronizes into a peaceful, harmonic melody. The gentle pressure of the embrace creates a subtle sense of security, as if the whole world has faded away, and everything else seems just right. It's a special kind of moment where the outside noise fades to black, and all that's left is this precious moment of warmth, understanding and love. It's a perfect reminder that no matter what, everything will be okay."

The glowing, radiance of the phone screen is the only light in her room. She's enveloped in a hoodie 3 sizes too big and atleast half a dozen blankets: only her eyes remain uncovered. And she stares, her eyes bloodshot from lack of sleep, at the A.I generated text response on her phone. Erin had asked if it could tell her what a hug felt like.
Reading it again and again and again she doesn't even notice how white her knuckles get gripping the phone like its the only thing keeping her tethered to this world. Salty liquid reaching her lips brings her back to consciousness, when had she started crying?
A click of the off button and she is swallowed by the darkness in her room. With no light to see, her eyes turn interior. She falls deep into her mind and thoughts, a cavernous pit she finds harder and harder to swim out of everytime she plunges in but still Erin will always return: the allure of dark introspection is one most can't escape, she is no different. Feeble as all who brave the waters, as all who dare descend a siren dive.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2023 ⏰

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