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Smoke hung thick in the air. The destination was a dinner, a place dedicated to the hospitality of families with small children; still, that didn't stop a 17-year old Roger Taylor and his friends from lighting up their cigarettes and engaging in that habit of chain smoking they found so cool. A beer in one hand, the other wrapped brazenly over the shoulder of an undistinguishable brunette, the leather-jacket wearing youth didn't attract sighs from the aged waitress, but rather a fond chuckle as she completed her rounds. He and his friends were regulars; the pool table practically belonging to them at this point, and for once not admonishing him for the blaring jukebox volume. Roger swigged the last of his birthday beer as he stepped forward to take his turn at the table.

In the booth behind him sat the birthday girl. Sipping gingerly at her coke, the brown-haired Jess was nodding awkwardly along to the rants of her girlfriends, as usual failing to slot a word in edgeways. Although she loved her friends, believed herself to love the leather-jacket coated male besides her, she couldn't prevent her witching green eyes resting upon Roger's faded, familiar brown jacket at times, silently begging for it just to be the two of them for awhile. Her, and that boy who's blue eyes matched the walls of the dazzling diner.

"Another beer, hen?" The familiar waitress questioned. Roger merely grunted, missing his perfectly executed shot as he turned to glare at Jess and Andrew. He cursed under his breath.

"Sure" he mumbled. The waitress had almost retreated from hearing distance when he called out again, gruffly, "oh, don't forget about that other thing we talked about". The old waitress merely nodded, a knowing smile planted firmly on her face.

When the dessert landed on her table, she knew exactly who it was from. A strawberry sundae, topped with whipped cream and rainbow sprinkles, adorned with a sparkler, there was only one person it could have been from. "Thank you" she mouthed across the room. Roger shrugged, bashfully, once again quite missing the black, pool ball.

It wasn't until several hours later that the pair finally got some precious alone time; Andrew refusing to walk her home, as always, and Roger rudely thrusting his dates leather jacket at her the moment the raven-haired threat had retreated from sight. He couldn't quite see the appeal of Andrew. Even Jess would admit he wasn't the ideal boyfriend, not by any standards, but she liked his style, and besides, Andrew was the only guy her father would let her date, seeing as his family had military connections and all. Besides, it wasn't as though anyone else wanted to date her.

"I didn't know we were inviting people of the opposite sex to our birthday party this year" Roger sniffed, the moment they emerged into the cool night air, his brown leather jacket already wrapped protectively around Jess's shoulder. Jess shrugged.

"You always invite girls to our party" Jess pointed out obtusely. Roger wanted to point out that it was completely different; that, unlike Jess, he attended a coeducational facility, and the girls he invited never meant anything to him. But he stopped himself. He knew how hypocritical he would sound, having experienced his first kiss on Jess's thirteenth birthday, outside the corner shop, as she stood there laughing and munching on her pick'n'mix.

But that was different? After the kiss, she left, and my attention reverted to Jess.

"I-I just" Roger sighed. "I just don't like him, okay" Roger surmised bluntly.

"Yes, but are you ever going to like anyone I date?" Jess pointed out smartly. Honestly, he didn't think he would. "But honestly, he's one of the most popular guys from your school, and he wants to date little old me" Jess beamed proudly.

"I'm just saying, be careful with him, I don't get good vibes from that guy" Roger mumbled darkly. It sparked a wave of irritation of anger in Jess; why couldn't he be happy for her on her birthday.

"How's Missy by the way?" Jess sniped, prettily.

"Who?" Roger deflected, visibly tired.

"The brunette you brought tonight" Jess' tone was cold, accusatory.

"What does that have to do with anything?" Roger sighed in exasperation.

"You can't be mad at me for bringing a date, and then bring one yourself" Jess admonished crossly.

"That's not why I'm mad at you" Roger insisted petulantly.

"Then why are you mad at me?" Jess demanded.

"Because you're just some dumb kid about to get her heart broken or herself knocked up just because the popular guy smiled at you! You're worth so much more, Jess, and it's so infuriating that you don't see that"

"Fine, if it bothers you that much, I won't invite him next year" Jess snapped harshly. Roger scoffed.

"Oh please, he won't even be here next year" Roger chuckled bitterly. Jess narrows her eyes.

"You're impossible. I am an adult, I can make my own decisions without your input, thank you very much" Jess fumed. "Where are you going?" She demanded, her face flushed a deep red at the sight of Roger turning his back to her. "It's this way to my house" she pointed out, though in reality, he has abandoned her less than 100 meters from her front door; no matter how much she annoyed him, he could never leave her in danger.

"Find your own way home, if you're such an adult!"

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