Never enough

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Heyo! Getting the first official chapter of this book done because I have nothing better to do. This was NOT a request, but I just had the inspiration to write. So here you go! Enjoy this short angst-shot! -Saucy

Hawks x Fem!Reader (names aren't exactly mentioned)
Fandom: MHA/ My Hero Academia
Scene: Hawks had never known just how hard it was to be a person and a hero until he failed.

(Hawks POV)

I have always been a popular hero amongst the media. People were always stopping me on the streets to have chats or to get pictures and autographs, and I was fine with it. Sure I was popular and I could practically get whatever I wanted, it was never enough. There was never enough fame from the people, there was never enough alcohol to numb, there was never enough sex to satisfy, there was just never enough of anything.

That was, until I met her. Her beautiful (h/l) (h/c) hair. Her beautiful (s/c) skin. Once I saw her, I knew then and there that nothing would ever compete with her. She stood out in her own way, she was beautiful unlike anything that I had ever seen before. And before I knew it, she was mine. She was mine to keep and to have all to myself. She seemed like the missing piece in my life and like all that I would never need. She became my life line.

We spent every waking moment together, or at least every moment I could give her. I would buy her the fanciest of (dresses/suits) and jewels and I would take her to all the fancy events they hosted for hero's. Everyone knew she was mine and that's how I liked it. I gave her as much as I could,

But I could never give her enough.

After some time, we started having problems. We fought like clockwork. But I wouldn't blame her for hating me or for kicking me to sleep on the couch. I was never there for her when she actually needed me. I wasn't there for her when she was crying, or when she took a pregnancy test that came out positive, or when she had a miscarriage four months later. Her cries over the phone, begging me to help her, begging me to come home, they broke my heart. It hurt even worse when I couldn't see her until the next day. She needed me more than anything and I couldn't be there.

That beautiful woman was always there for me, comforting me when I needed it, helping me with my wings, giving me more than enough. But I was an asshole and I couldn't give her the same. I tried, I really did, but it was never enough. I couldn't even be a hero.

That building was burning with bright blue flames, falling and crumbling. All with her inside. I wasn't fast enough to get to her when her blood ran cold with a heart wrenching scream that I could hear from outside. By the time I had her in my arms, her skin was burnt and her heart had stopped. I wasn't there to save her and I wasn't there for her final breath. I couldn't even see her one last time with that smile I had grown to love.

Then it hit me.

I wasn't enough.

Wouldn't you look at that
The first chapter.
Kinda short and angsty but oh well.
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!
Please make requests on the first chapter and make sure you comment your thoughts and vote!
Luv you munchkins

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2023 ⏰

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