Chapter 5

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The school bell rang, signaling the end of the day. The teacher dismissed the class, and everyone started their cleaning duties, ran off to their clubs, or packed up to go home or hang out. I packed up my stuff and was planning on walking with Hime-chan as I didn't know the way back home clearly yet.

"Ah, sorry, I have club activities for the sewing club."

No worries, Hime-chan. I'll find my own way back."

"No, no, you don't even know the way since you're new. We can't have a girl walk home alone, can we,  right Kitamura?!"

I sweatdropped and shook my head at her, clearly showing her intention of hooking me and Fuji-kun up.

"Hime, I see you winking at him. Can you please not play Cupid?"

"Ah haha, whatever are you talking about, Asami-chan. I'm just being a good friend and worrying about you, right Kitamura."

"Wellthank you for your kindness."

Me and I both chuckled at her antics as he got up and approached me from his seat, Hime leaving us alone. He took my hand with his smile, dazzling me once again, making my heart feel that strange butterfly feeling again.

"Shall we go."

"Uh-mhm, sorry for the trouble."

"No trouble at all... I couldn't be luckier."



He flusteredly turned his away from me, but I could still see the blush that crept to his ears. I looked downing, trying not to grin too widely, or he would think I was weird. 'So I can affect him like that too, huh?'

The summer breeze hovered around us as we took the trail back home side by side. The rice fields, the mountains, the green plains, and small homes with friendly people all became suddenly seemed lovely to me with him next to me. Maybe all my pain will finally be behind me now. God made me lose so many of my loved ones, but maybe he took pity on me and sent Fuji-kun to help me be happy again.



"Are you my fairy god mother."

He looked confused for a second, looking at me with a bit of curiosity and amusement in his eyes, and chuckled at me. Smiling from ear to ear, he said,
"No Asami-chan—

"Aww, you're not?"

"I'm your fairy God boyfriend."


"Oh, Asami-chan, I didn't know your special skill is turning into a tomato."

"You-you...are all small town boys such flirts!"

"Nope, just me."

"Oh, so you're like this towards all girls."

"Nope, only for you."

I felt my face getting hotter than it already was, and I was pretty sure I surpassed the color of a tomato. He smiled at me warmly at me, leaning in, I felt his breath tinker my skin as my blush increased along with my heartbeat.
'Is he going to kiss me?'Oh my god, omg he can't, we can't, it's too fast!'
He reached his hand out towards me, and I completely froze, unable to react to his actions. He touched the top of my hair and brought me closer,
"Dont move." Hsi whisper seemed way too close for comfort, and his actions confused me even more. Just when I thought he was going to go a step further, he flicked the top of my head and stepped back with a sigh of relief.

"Ow! What was that for?"

"Sorry, there was a bug on your head."

"Ah, what?!! What bug? why didn't you tell me? Ugh, I hate bugs, so disgusting."

"Asami, ok, ok, it's gone now, chill out."

"Never tell a girl to 'chill out'."

"Hai hai, your highness."

"That's right, Mrs.Kitamura raised you right for you to know to give in to your girl—."

"Girl— what? Finish your sentence, Asami."

His teasing grin, coupled with his all knowing expressing, made me irritated at the same time, but the butterflies in my stomach irritated me even more.

"Wipe that grin of your face!"

"Yes, ma'am." He saluted at me and continued forward casually grabbing my hand. Making me question if this was really his first time doing these things. We walked in the comfortable silence of each other's presence as we passed the small town street leading to my ancient Japanese styled home. I hadn't realized that I had already begun to consider this place as my home until now. Being with him made me forget everything else, the grievance, the pain, the whys, and what ifs. His existence itself made me feel happy and safe, which surprised me and scared me a little because we had only known each other for a little less than a month.

"Fuji-kun, why do you care for me so much?"

"You dont know?"


"Then you can figure it out slowly. there's no need to rush."
He patted my head and turned around to head home, waving me goodbye. I could feel my heartbeat that I had finally managed to calm down and beat fast again.

"Ugh, this boys bad for my heart."

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