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Looking at the man infront of her,she smiled..

Yet there was no happiness,no joy..

It only reflected how broken she was..

She looked at him,trying so hard,when she loosen the hold,

When she pulled her hands that time..

He chased her hands not caring for the eyes of people,not caring of the words she said..

She was silent..

Just like a dead sea..

Her heart died..

Each time he broke the promises he himself made..

She knew,he cannot give her stars,Sun or Moon..

She knew what he can give her,what he is..

She knew all his tears,all his pain,all his depression that he hid behind bravery..

She knew all the scared nights when he seeked her,to feel he was not alone..

That she was there,someone worse than him,soemone on whom he can step on..

Still she was there..

For he is hers..Her son,her husband,her child..

She is his mother,his sister,his wife,his daughter..

She stood naked before him,every day..

She bore everything in her..

Yet a day came that tight grip she had,that only tried to hold on,

Was loose..

And she watched..

Them carrying her to graveyard,then fighting over her things and she smiled again..

For she knew no promise was meant to her,for her..

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