Chapter 2

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After the story was told, The Collector and some of the Lumas gathered around to figure out which game to play. After debating for a while, they settled on hide and seek. The Collector was hesitant at first given his... history with the game but he decided that it was worth a try. Maybe this time it will be different?

One luma was picked to be the seeker and the hiders had 50 seconds to hide. The Collector immediately had an idea for a spot. He flew to the very top of the spaceship with his star. This would be the last place they would look! Even if he hadn't been here for long, he just knew this was the best hiding place. And so he waited, and waited, and waited...

Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all...

The Collector thought back to the last time he had played hide and seek with the children of the Titan. He had hid on the highest tree, nearby another tree where he had lasted an entire round without being found.

As the Collector waited and waited, he would never be found by the children. He didn't know it at the time, but his siblings had taken them away - never to be seen again. He couldn't protect them from the Archivists, just like he couldn't protect Luz from Belos. His siblings were right, he was too weak...

"Ah! Found you!"

The Collector startled at the sound of a voice. They looked in its direction but realized that their vision was blurry. They blinked, trying to get their vision back to normal and they felt something warm running down their cheeks. According to what Luz had told them, those were tears.

"Are you okay? You have Star Bits in your eyes!" The voice turned out to be from a luma, who was now worried for the poor Star Child. The Collector did not respond as they kept crying. Their body started to shake.

"Stay here, I'll go get mom, she'll know what to do!" The yellow luma went to search for Rosalina, leaving the Collector alone again.

They wiped the tears with their hands, yet they kept flowing.

"Why. won't. these. tears. go. AWAY." They screamed into the void. They were hit with a strong emotion they did not recognize, but it felt similar to when Luz had... disappeared.

The voices of the Archivists resonated in their head, repeatedly calling them weak, until...

"I am here, little one."

It was the voice of Rosalina. She was holding her arms wide open in front of him. The Collector recognized this as that human gesture that King had taught him. Rosalina was offering him a hug, and he gladly took it.

He's not sure how long they stayed like this, but after some time the Collector stopped crying, feeling calmer in Rosalina's arms. He felt like all of his energy was drained and when he closed his eyes, he fell asleep.


When they opened their eyes again, they were in a different place - lying on a bed with purple bed sheets surrounded by curtains of the same color. They could also see little golden stars on the walls, along with a small potted tree.

Was that tree here before? They didn't remember... Wait, what were they thinking?! They've never been here before! Or were they...? That would explain why this place felt familiar, but then, why didn't they remember?

The Collector's musings were interrupted by someone entering the room. Rosalina looked concerned at first but when she saw that they were awake, she looked relieved.

"You are awake. Everyone is very worried about you."

The Collector did not respond - they didn't know what to say. How could they explain what happened to them, to their friends?

Rosalina sat at the end of the bed. "How are you doing, child?"

"I- I don't know. I guess I am... confused?"

"And do you know why you are confused?"

"I think... I think I've been here before."

Rosalina looked surprised but then started to smile.

"That is right, you have been here before. Although, I did not expect you to remember. You were but a few years old when you last visited this ship."

A few years old?! They were just a baby!

"But then, how did I end up here?"

"You were lost, or at least that's what I thought when you first arrived here." she said pensively.

"But I wasn't lost?"

"Well from what I had gathered from the few words you were able to say, you wanted to find someone to play with."

"Oh..." The Collector looked down, frowning. But then his eyes opened wide as he suddenly came to a realization.

"I think I remember now! My siblings didn't want to play with me, they said that I was bothering them and that I should find someone else to play with, so I left to do what they said. And then I ended up on your ship!" Despite the bitterness that came whenever they thought of their siblings, they said this in a happy tone, as they finally unraveled the mystery they came here to solve.

Rosalina looked affectionately at him. "That's right child. I am actually glad we got to see each other again. You've grown so much since I last saw you."

"But in all that time I haven't grown that much... I still don't know how to make friends. That's why I left to go on a journey to grow and to be a better friend!"

"That sounds like a great resolve. Maybe I and the Lumas could help you?"

"What ? But- But why ? I'm just some kid you met as a baby!" The Collector stood up, confused. They didn't understand this lady... how could she be so kind and understanding when she barely knew them?!

"Because I know what it's like to be a lonely child in need of help... and a friend of mine helped me by showing me compassion and friendship. If you do not wish for us to help you, then that is okay. I just want you to know that, whenever you need us, we'll be here for you. You are never alone, little one."

The Collector was speechless. He had done so much harm and yet, this lady who barely knew him thought he deserved kindness? He didn't know what to say...

As if she read his mind, she replied in a reassuring voice "You don't have to say anything right now, take as long as you need."

The Collector wanted to cry, but not for the same reasons that he did last time. He felt... happy? Can someone cry because of happiness?

As tears fell on their cheeks, they finally knew what to say. "...Thank you."

"You're welcome."

The two stayed in the purple bedroom for a little while, as the Collector cried of happiness for the very first time.

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