The Other Lover Man

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You may have noticed that I'm trying to put Ghost in the Sick *Soap and Kick* couple. I have been non-stop think that those three are perfect for each other I mean like it's canon that Soap and Ghost are boyfriends in the game and in my Au Kick had feelings for Soap when they first met. *Idk where to put a meeting spot for them* Ghost got feelings for Soap at random times because he felt like every time Soap got close to him he could be like a normal person.

This will be where Soap, Kick , Ghost, Price and Konig where

The story begins here.


Kick began his little run around the base as normal when he saw Soap walk out with coffee like normal and handed him a cup and they walk until Soap stopped at a door. "Should I give him one?" Soap asked like he wanted to make sure who ever was in there was ok. "Oh ya sure. But be safe because I thought I heard info about that his second sister ,who was in the hospital because of a jail break at the prison she worked at." Kick said quietly. Kick had resumed his walk and left Soap all alone standing at the door. When he was just about to knock Ghost had already came to the door and pulled Soap into a nice big hug.

Ghost had pulled himself and Soap into his room. "Hey you ok?" Soap said while helping Ghost to sit on the bed. "I miss my sister so much. I know I have Raven here but she seems to go off and hang out with Blondie's friend and not want to hang with me. I know they are planing to get married but I feel like I'm gonna lose a part of me. Nikki is my younger sister. I-" Ghost hand continued until Soap had cut him off.

Ghost felt a pair of lips touch the corner of his lips. He felt his cheeks go red and hot. "I know you'll find a way to fell better and a way to help Raven and Nikki. They're your sisters you'll find a way to keep them both close to you. I know so." Soap said while hugging his comrade. Soap put his arms around Ghost's neck and pulled him in closer. Ghost hesitated for a moment before putting his arms around Soap's mid-body area.

"So when are we going to a be a throuple?" Kick said while leaning on Ghost's door frame. Soap's face went bright red after Kick said that. "I don't see why we can't." Ghost and Kick said together. "Don't you agree Johnny?" Ghost said. Soap felt like punching both of them right at that moment. "If you don't shut the fuck up I'll punch you so hard that you'll need to go to a hospital." Soap said while clenching his fists.

After an hour  *Soap sent them both to the infirmary at the base*

"This is your fault." Kick said. "No it's your fault dumbass, you're the one who put the idea of being a throuple in his head fucking bitch." Ghost responded. "Shut the fuck up bitch." Kick said getting annoyed. They continued to fight over and over about who put the idea in Soap's head. "Can you keep them?" Soap asked a nurse. "We can't have them here for to long Capt. Soap. Soap had sighed. "I'll buy you new medical utensils if you keep them for another hour." Soap said. 

Soap bought them new medical utensils.


This is the end of this chapter. There will be more of this ship if you like this ship and if you don't then I don't care if you don't it's your opinion.

Word count is 622

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