Nothing Good Ever Lasts Forever

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It all happened so fast. I wasn't ready for what was going to happen next. How could I let this happen? Police sirens were going off. Ambulance sirens were going off. As I stood in the rain, I saw the ALS carry an unconscious body with an oxygen tank connected to them. All of this is my fault. If only I could go back in time and never have listened to Cole, Luca would be awake and not have to go through hell.

We go back to the beginning of the school year. Seniors last year. Ready to leave high school and become responsible adults. At least that's what some of them think. Cedro was with his group of friends, hanging out, playing around, and making so much noise. As Cedro was heading inside the school, he spotted a kid with black hair, blue eyes, and a weak structure as if he ate, but not enough food.

"Who's that?" says Cedro in a tone not loud enough for his friends to hear. The more Cedro stares at the boy with black hair, the more he feels attached to him.

The bell rings and Cedro makes his way to his first class. Surprisingly he has the same class as the boy he was staring at.

"Ah," says their homeroom teacher with disappointment. "You are in my class, it seems like Cedro Castillo."

Cedro laughs and replies "It's nice to see you too Mr. Butcher". "Now where am I sitting?" he asks his teacher as he keeps staring at the kid with black hair

"You are sitting next to me," says Mr. Butcher as he is looking around his classroom and looking for an empty seat. "There" he then points at the empty seat that's next to the boy Cedro keeps staring at.

Cedro saw where Mr. Butcher was pointing at. His heart skipped a beat after seeing where he was sitting. His body felt a bit warm and tingling. His face was a bit red. Lorenzo makes his way toward his seat. He gulps and then sits down on his chair. Luca is facing the other side, staring out the window, and not paying attention towards Cedro.

"Hi," Cedro says calmly as he's trying to start a conversation with Luca.

Luca slowly turns towards Cedro while looking down and waves back with a 'Hi'. Luca was never the talkative type nor the volunteer type. He just thought that having friends or talking to people was a waste of time. But he thought that since it was his last year, he could change and try to talk to people and try new stuff.

"My name is Cedro Castillo. What's your name?"

" name is Luca Isolabella"

"Isolabella? I never heard of anyone having that last name. What does it mean?"

Luca was nervous. He played with his fingers, trying to keep calm, and scared to explain. Cedro notices how Luca is reacting.

"Hey, it's alright if you don't want to explain it to me. I won't rush you. Take your time" he gives Luca a light smile and he slowly moves his hand to Luca's. Luca turned all red and was a bit nervous but Cedro putting his hand on top of Luca' slowly helped him calm down, and Luca was able to tell Cedro what his last name means.

"My last name means 'the beautiful lonely one'

"That's beautiful. But why the lonely one?"

"Because I've always been by myself ever since I was young. Nobody ever wanted to talk to me because they all thought I wasn't normal."

"Oh." Cedro didn't know how to react after hearing Luca open up to him.

"Well if you want, we can hang out at lunch and get to know each other more. I usually hang out with my friends but I'd like to get to know you more."

Cedro doesn't notice how he talks to people. When he tries to speak nicely to someone, he says something so nice, people think that Cedro is flirting with them. Luca's face slowly lit up with happiness. It's as if he's been waiting for this moment to come.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2023 ⏰

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