Chapter 6 - 18 + Smut Warning

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The workday had been calm, and without major issues, but the morning meeting with her sister had hung over Mia's head all day. At first, she started to tell Grant she could not make it tonight but decided it might help her to relieve some of her stress. She parked in Grant's driveway and slowly walked to the door, and as soon as she rang the doorbell, she heard Gunner running to the door.

Grant opened the door and smiled at Mia, and she tried to return the smile, but the best she could do was half of a smile. He led her to the kitchen and said, "I have dinner ready. I made chicken fettuccine. I hope you like it." Mia nodded and sat down at the bar where he motioned for her to sit, and he asked, "What would you like to drink?" Mia replied, "Water will be fine, thank you." She was absent mindedly petting Gunner, as she watched him fix their plates. Once the plates were fixed, he pulled two bottles of water from the fridge and sat down next to Mia.

Mia started eating, and after the first bite she said, "This is delicious, you are a good cook." Grant thanked her and asked how her day was, and Mia looked down for a moment and then said, "I have had better, and worse." But she did not elaborate any more. Grant could tell she was stressed, and he kept the conversation rolling, letting her eat and relax. When they finished Grant picked up the plates and carried them to the sink and when he returned, he stood in front of Mia and asked, "Are you having second thoughts about us?"

Looking at him Mia replied, "No, and I am sorry if I gave that impression. It was just a bad day, and I am struggling to find a way to make it all go away." Grant nodded and said, "I can help you with that, are you willing to let me try?" Mia did not hesitate and said, "Yes, I would love your help." Grant nodded and said, "Follow me." He led her down a hallway to staircase that led down, once on the bottom floor Mia could see they were in a large den space with big windows that looked out on the backyard. Grant said, "My house was built on a hill, and they took advantage of that and created the first floor to be a large walk out space that could be a den, family room or whatever." Mia was admiring the large wall of glass that looked out onto the backyard, with its swimming pool and large green space.

Grant took her hand and led her to the far side of the room and then he used a code to open a door saying, "This is supposed to be a guest room, but I modified it to be my play space. I keep it locked just to keep anyone out, but you don't have to worry about being locked in, because it automatically unlocks from inside." Mia nodded and noticed the room was large, it had a bed like the one at the club, but queen sized, several different types of restraints attached to the wall, a couple of chairs, a bench and a closet. Grant stopped her before she walked into the room.

Looking at her he said, "Once you enter this room, you belong to me and must follow my commands. Is that acceptable?" Mia nodded and said, "Yes, sir." He continued, "If you want or need me to stop say red, and if you want or need me to slow down say yellow. Clear?" Mia replied, "Red to stop, yellow to slow down." He continued, "If I asked green, yellow or red, green means keep going." Grant said, "Lastly while you are in this room you are to be naked unless I say otherwise. You can strip and leave your clothes and bag on this bench." Mia nodded and began to undress and once she was fully naked, she stood and waited for him to open the door for her, but he asked her to spin around first, which she did.

Opening the door Grant said, "Go stand at the foot of the bed and face the headboard and wait for me." Mia moved into the room and moved to the bed and waited. She could hear him moving around, opening a door, and then she felt several things being tossed onto the bed beside her. But before she could look at what was there, a blindfold was slipped over her eyes and Grant said, "I want your total focus, blindfolding you makes you rely on my voice, understood?" Mia simply said, "Yes sir." Then she felt bands going around her upper chest and arms, being pulled tight, then a second one above her waist but also around her arms, then her hands were bound behind her back. She was unable to move her arms at this point, but he pulled the two body bands just a little tighter.

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