Chapter 1 - The Hidden Bloodline

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Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry bustled with activity as students eagerly prepared for the start of a new term. Among them was a young boy named Adrian Riddle. With unruly black hair and piercing green eyes, Adrian possessed an air of mystery that set him apart from his peers.

Unbeknownst to Adrian, he carried a secret that only a select few knew. He was the son of the most feared dark wizard of all time, Lord Voldemort. Dumbledore, the wise headmaster of Hogwarts, had kept this knowledge concealed, hoping to shield Adrian from the burden of his lineage. Even Adrian himself was oblivious to the truth of his parentage.

From a young age, Adrian had exhibited an uncanny ability to understand and communicate with snakes. His gift for Parseltongue left even Dumbledore intrigued and cautious, for it was a trait closely associated with his notorious father.

The Hogwarts Express let out a piercing whistle as Adrian Riddle stepped onto the platform, his eyes scanning the crowd for any familiar faces. As he made his way through the bustling station, he spotted three young students who seemed to stand out from the rest - Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley. Adrian had heard tales of their heroic adventures, and a small part of him yearned to be part of their circle.

Approaching cautiously, Adrian mustered the courage to introduce himself. Harry, ever wary, regarded him with a mix of curiosity and suspicion, while Hermione maintained an open mind. Ron, however, eyed him warily, an unspoken distrust lingering in his gaze.

Though Adrian's attempts at friendship were met with hesitation, they gradually warmed to him over the course of their journey on the Hogwarts Express. They shared stories, laughs, and even a few shared secrets. But there was always an underlying tension, as their bond with Adrian threatened to clash with the prejudices associated with his Slytherin House affiliation.

As the train trudged along the tracks, Adrian found himself in the company of the gentle giant Hagrid, tasked by Dumbledore to ensure both Harry and Adrian reached Hogwarts safely. Hagrid's unwavering loyalty to Dumbledore made him a trusted confidant and a calming presence for Adrian. They discussed magical creatures, and Hagrid shared tales of his adventures in the Forbidden Forest.

When the time came for Adrian to procure his school supplies, he ventured to Diagon Alley. As he entered Ollivander's Wand Shop, the air seemed to crackle with anticipation. The moment Adrian grasped the wand that chose him, a shockwave of power surged through him. He could feel the wand's loyalty and its eagerness to channel his magic.

In his first Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Professor Snape, who had been privy to Adrian's secret, observed him closely. Snape was both wary of the boy's potential for darkness and hopeful that he could steer him toward the path of light. As Adrian practiced spells and incantations, there were moments when his magic crackled with a power beyond his control. It was as if his emotions had the ability to unleash great destruction.

Dumbledore, watching from his office, kept a watchful eye on Adrian. He knew that the boy's journey would be fraught with challenges and that his hidden bloodline would inevitably catch up with him. Yet, Dumbledore believed in the potential for redemption and hoped that Adrian would choose a different path from his father.

Adrian's path was veiled in uncertainty, his true heritage yet to be discovered by those around him. How would he balance his friendships and loyalty to Slytherin? And what challenges would arise from his connection to the serpents and his untamed bursts of destructive magic?

Only time would reveal the answers as Adrian Riddle's journey at Hogwarts began, destined to leave an indelible mark on the world of magic.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2023 ⏰

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