Tha Bank Job

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       “Would you like another martini, Mrs. Johnson?” asked Chris coyly. “If I was smarter I would think you’re trying to seduce me.” said Mrs. Johnson with a laugh in her voice. “Oh you! You’re a genius the plan would’ve never succussed without you.” said Chris, as he walked up behind her with a new bottle of suntan lotion. They made eye-contact and she nodded her head toward the bottle indicating that she wanted the backrub. “Ahhh… that’s great. Thank you.” she said as Chris massaged her body. “Of course, anytime babe,” Chris whispered in her ear. “It was you that made all of this possible,” Chris said. He was referring to the recently purchased private beach that they were lounging on along the Mediterranean Sea.

        Mrs. Johnson was not alway a Mrs. with Chris’ last name. Two years before the couple met at a job fair in Portland, Oregon’s Convention Center. They were admiring the tall glass spires the building boasted and noticed that they were doing the same thing. They decided to go and get a cup of coffee at a nearby Peet’s Coffee and hit it off. Chris and Molly saw one another often after that and became attached to one another. Being as they were both unemployed they had plenty of time to develop a relationship and Chris and Molly had romantic ties. They fell for each other quickly and intensely and moved in her house together. This didn’t leave a lot of time for job hunting and soon they were getting low on savings.

        One morning, while sitting on the porch together Molly made a joke saying they need to rob a bank for money. Irrationally, that’s just what they did. They talked about how they would do it and started to plan.

        Then the day the couple would put their plan into action had come. They had picked a busy bank to watch, they wanted to know hours and how many people went in and out, and especially when the armored trucks made deposits. After watching the bank for a week they saw that employees went in and out a back door for lunch. That is how they would sneak in and out of the bank, hopefully disturbing as few people as possible. The pair didn’t want any drama, they were there for money.

The next day Molly and Chris distracted a bank employee when he came out the back door and were able to get in that way. They went straight to the safe where they were met by a startled bank manager. Chris grabbed the woman and put a gun to her head, “Tell me how to get into the safe.” The manager was angry and told Chris, “Let me go now and get the f*** out of my bank you honky cracker!” Chris laughed and pulled the trigger. Chris searched her body for any keys and codes, found them, then quickly unlocked the safe grabbing the duffle bags of Benjamins and signaled Molly to get out.

        Chris slammed the large van’s heavy door behind him once they drove out of Union Bank’s parking lot. Adrenaline plowed through their veins. Breathing heavily Molly turned onto the interstate. The two sped along, when suddenly blue and red flashes of light flood through the black van’s rear windows. “Shit!”, Chris shouted out angrily. The van changed lanes and the police passed by them. Looking over at Chris, Molly stared shocked, she was sure that they were finished.  

        They quickly ditched the van got into another car and drove to their planned hideout. The two changed their clothes and grabbed passports and were on a flight in less than an hour. When they arrived in Croatia they honeymooned and bought a tiny private beach in the sun. They have been loving life but there is such a thing as karma.

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