Let It Shine (Let It Go parody for Three Secrets)

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The lantern glows in the mines tonight
Not a miner to be seen.
A kingdom of the underground
And it looks like I'm its queen
My curse is growing like the swirl of fears inside
Couldn't keep it in, Pluto knows I've tried.
Can't let them in, can't let them see
Be that good girl I ought to be
Conceal, can't feel, can't let them know!
Well, now they know!
Let it shine! Let it shine!
Couldn't hold it back anymore
Let it shine! Let it shine!
Turn away and open the mine doors.
I don't care how rich they're gonna be
Let my power grow on
My curse never bothered me anyway
It's funny how some distance
Makes everyone seem small
And the creed that once owned me
Can't reach to me at all!
It's time for crystallization
My magic's growing in me
No chains. No pain. No sorrows for me.
I'm free!
Let it shine! Let it shine!
I'm one with the mines and ground
Let it shine! Let it shine!
You'll never find me in the mound
And here I stand
And here I'll stay
Let my power grow on
My magic's growing through the mines into the ground
They know that deep in the earth whereas the
Crystals found
And they thought these gems is like a shocking blast!
I'm never going back
My past is in the past!
Let it shine! Let it shine!
And I'll rise like sun in day
Let it shine! Let it shine!
That prefect girl is gone
Here I stand in brilliance of glory
Let my power grow on
My curse never bothered me anyway

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