Magician's little helper

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                 The next morning

It was Wednesday and Marvin's time to work on the antidote was cutting close. Jack would be home in two days and still he couldn't succeed on making the antidote perfect. It was hard to focus on it after the little incident that happened yesterday night his head was just focused more on that than the objective at hand. He struggled countless times, but yet nothing was going according to plan. He had the right ingredients; he just needed to stay focused on one thing and one thing only. Which was the antidote. He was so distracted about that night that he just couldn't focus. He kept messing up every time which made him extremely frustrated. Anti stood outside his doorway watching as the magician groaned in frustration. The little demon knew he was still frustrated about yesterday and that he couldn't properly focus on the antidote. Anti knew that Marvin didn't have much time left and that he needed to get the antidote finished before Jack gets home. Anti walked away and headed down the stairs with a small frown on his face; he couldn't help but feel terrible for what he did. He entered the kitchen to see Evelien prepare breakfast for everyone and Anti knew that Marvin wouldn't be coming down to join everyone; he most likely will be in his room working on the antidote. Evelien looked over at Anti and watched as the small demon crawled up on one of the chairs to sit down; she noticed the small frown plastered upon his face. She stopped what she was doing to go check on him hoping to put a smile on his face. She sat down next to Anti and gave him a small smile, but the demon didn't seem to notice.

"You doing alright, little one? You seem a little down." Evelien said, brushing his hair out of his face.

Anti sighed softly, looking up at Evelien, "I-It's about that night...I feel terrible about w-what I did..."

Evelien frowned, "It's really bothering you, huh?"

Anti could only nod, placing his head on the table in frustration. He promised them he would open up to them more and he's not going to break that promise. Evelien smiled softly again, rubbing his back softly hoping to calm him down.

"It's going to be okay, Anti. There's no need to be upset about that night. Marvin accepted your apology, didn't he not?" Evelien asked, as she continued rubbing the small demons back.

Anti lifted his head up and sighed softly, "H-He's really bothering him he can't even focus clearly to get the antidote done..."

"Maybe he just needs a little help. He is doing it by himself after all and no one besides me offered to help him. Maybe you can be his little helper." Evelien suggested, smiling happily.

Anti looked at Evelien and gave her a soft smile, "Y-Yeah! I can help! Maybe he would f-focus more if I did!"

Evelien chuckled a bit at the small demon, glad to make him feel better, "Then what are you waiting for? Go help your brother out." Evelien ruffled his hair happily.

Anti jumped off the chair and ran up the stairs, making his way to Marvin's room. Luckily the door was still open. He stood at his doorway, his smile never leaving his face. The magician hadn't noticed the small demon until Anti called out his name.

"Marvin!" Anti yelled out, happily causing the magician to jump.

Marvin looked over at Anti, still a bit startled by what happened, "Jesus! You scared me, Anti. A little warning next time would be nice."

Anti giggled a bit walking into his room, "I'm going to help you out!"

"I'm not sure that's a good idea, Anti. Besides, it's my responsibility not yours. I don't want you getting hurt if this backfires then I would get in trouble for it. Thank you though." Marvin said softly, getting back to work.

Anti frowned softly, upset by the magician's answer, "You've been working so hard these past few weeks, Marvin! It's not a bad thing if you ask for a bit of help. I just want to help you out. Some of this is my fault, I want to be useful..."

Marvin sighed softly, stopping at what he was doing looking over at the demon. Was Anti really going to risk himself getting hurt? It sounded stupid, but Marvin won't lie he is having trouble getting it right and the time was cutting short. Marvin groaned softly, giving in to the little demon.

"Fine! You can help, but let me do the mixing of the ingredients, okay? You can hand me the amount I need." Marvin said, before going back to work.

Anti squealed happily and walked over to Marvin, watching him stir the antidote. Anti was quite fascinated in what Marvin was doing; he was super excited to help his brother work on this.

A few minutes had passed and Marvin and Anti were called down for breakfast by Jackie. They decided a little break from working is what they needed. They were all gathered in the kitchen eating when Evelien looked over at Marvin and smiled softly.

"So, how's the antidote going, Marvin? I noticed you've been working hard on it." Evelien asked, taking a bite out of her toast.

Marvin shrugged slightly, "I guess it's going okay. Anti offered to help out with it."

"VHAT?! He could get hurt, Marv!" Henrik said, looking at the magician strenly.

"I know, Hen! But he wanted to feel useful. I told him he could give me the amount of ingredients I need, but that was all he's going to do. There's no need to be freaking out about it. Besides, I did need a little helper anyways. He happened to volunteer. Don't worry I'm not letting him do anything dangerous, just let him do it." Marvin said, taking a sip of his coffee.

Henrik sighed softly, taking a sip of his coffee as well. The doctor didn't like the idea of Anti helping on something so dangerous, but he'll let it slide this one for Anti's sake. Once everyone was done eating Jackie stayed to lend Evelien a hand to help clean up while everyone went their separate ways. Marvin and Anti went straight back to work the antidote did backfire luckily Marvin made sure Anti didn't get hurt. Marvin groaned softly he knew this was going to take a while to master since this was a totally new thing he was working on. Anti saw the frustration in the magician's eyes. He grabbed Marvin's arm and smiled once the magician was looking at him.

"We can do this, Marv. Don't give up." Anti said, giving Marvin a reassuring smile.

The magician couldn't help but smile back at Anti's words.





"You're right. Let's get back to work."





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