Judging me,Cause of you

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Judy hey, sweet heart I need you to stay away from that girl-M

But why? She doesn't look dangerous or evil-J

Her dad is... Negan and you don't know what she is she might be dangerous just Judith promise me you'll stay away from Thea

It's always been that way since Rick let me and my dad stay here well not exactly Let my dad,More like imprisoned him I'm the only person he's allowed to speak her in this shit hole..

I'm Thea I'm 16 and I was 10 when the apocalypse happened my mother Lucille died of cancer and was then turned into a zombie

After that night everything changed including my dad...

-in the prison cell-

N:hey pumpkin, any new things happen while I've been locked away. You haven't visited in a long time

T:more like a week.. but yeah, I've been having trouble sleeping and getting along with everyone especially ricks family

N:That's cause I've done terrible things and they think your like your old man, but your not-he lowers himself down to Thea- your way better than me and they need to see that

T: well what the fuck do I do to make them?

N:Hey! Language!

T:-Smickers- whatever

N:it will take time Thea but they'll see

- two days later-
Michonne bursts into theas room while she's sleeping waking her

M:Where the hell have you took my daughter you bitch!

T:Jesus Christ lady I don't know what the fuck your talking about!

M:Judith! I told Rick that you shouldn't be here you should be with your manic dad if you don't tell me where she is I'll kill you

T:-Panic- what if I go find her.... Will you not kill me?

M:I don't trust you so I'll have someone go with you


M:Maggie? Why her? I mean sure

-in the woods-

Thea is a beautiful brunette with a light brown eyes porcelain skin and a good figure but bad posture, her choice of weapon is a crossbow and arrow sometimes a Machine Gun her father customized her

M:I'm sorry for the way michonne acts to you, but I-

T:I get it my dads a terrible guy, hell I even hate him sometimes I dream at night that he isn't my father or I kill him....

M:Jesus kid that's fucked up..


Thea puts her arms infront of Maggie causing her to stop

M:what?what do you see!

T:I hear screams I think it's judy

Thea sprints carelessly Maggie yelling at her to come back!

A full pack of walkers we're trying to get Judith they had her cornered luckily she was underneath something


Without hesitation Thea shoots headshots with her arrows fast and quick after that she jumps behind a walker slashes it's throat with her knife

T:Judy? You ok..
J:Yes-she gets out of her hiding spot-
T:let's get you hom-

A walker comes behind thea nearly attacking her luckily Maggie shot it but the bullet went through the walker into Thea's arm

M:Shit kid, U ok???
J:she's bleeding!

Thea sees the bullet and pulls it out the aching pain of ripping it felt like a bone being pulled from her shoulder

M:Oh my god! How the hell do you do that!!
T:have Negan as your dad equals being a bullet shield hah, let's get you home!

While walking

T:so..why were u in the woods
J:I was looking for...Susie
M:Who's Susie?
T:...Hunny I don't think Susie's erm..Alive,besides you put yourself in danger don't wonder again

Michonne: JUDITH! Are you ok??? What happened

J:Thea saved me mom, she's not evil she shot all the walkers with just a crossbow

T:headshots only! Anyway I can get a bandage!

Michonne:what happened to you?

Maggie: I shot her...
T:no you shot through a walker towards my shoulder if I wind up turning-looks to Negan- let him kill me

-Negan overhears-
Michonne: wanna come over for dinner Thea,I'm sorry I shouldn't judge someone over who their parents are

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2023 ⏰

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