Rosy cheeks: act two

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She woke up, stretching her little arms as far out as they would go and yawning. She hopped out of bed, grinning as soon as she hopped out. She grabbed the bright lime green bracelet from her bedside table, situating it on her wrist. Charlie was scared of breaking it while in her sleep, so she took it off before bedtime.

Charlie straightened the wrinkles on her blue and white nightgown, which had some pink frills and bows as well. She honestly wasn't a big fan of dresses, but her dad loved them, so she ended up wearing them to bed and on special occasions to make him happy, and of course, Charlotte Emily wanted to make everyone happy.

Soon enough though, Charlie's dad, (who she lovingly called "papa") knocked on the door, as quietly as he could. If Charlie was still sleeping, he obviously wouldn't want to wake his darling girl up. She walked over to the door, reaching up to the handle and opening the door to her papa.

He grinned, scooping her up into his arms, which she giggled at. "Papa, put me down!" she exclaimed, as he chuckled a bit, patting onto her hair before putting her down, cupping her cheek and squatting down closer to her height. "Let's go eat breakfast now, okay?" he said, before standing all the way back up, groaning a bit as his back crackled. "You're papas gettin' old, Charlotte."

She giggled at that, trailing behind her father. Her smile only widened as she saw what was for breakfast—pancakes. She loved drowning them in syrup, and she quickly jumped up onto one of the chairs, watching as a plate slid in front of her. She grabbed a fork, quickly shoving pancake after pancake in her mouth.

"Slow down, sweetheart– don't want you choking!" he joked, which resulted in Charlie slowing down a little bit, as her papa sighed. "You know, Charlotte, we're helping set up Evan's birthday party today, you wanna come or go to daycare?" he asked, leaning against the counter. Charlie looked up at him, putting her fork down with a loud CLINK onto the counter, wildly smiling.

"MM-HM!" she exclaimed, her mouth still full with pancake. "Well, I'm glad you're enthusiastic!" he said, grinning as well. "How about you get ready –change your clothes, brush teeth, all that jazz, – and I'll get ready too and tell Uncle Will you're coming to help?" Charlie nodded, pushing her already finished plate away and hopping off the stool.

"Otay!" she said. "Okay," Henry repeated, patting on her hair. "I'll help you with your hair though, Charlotte, so don't worry 'bout that, kay?" he said, his hand on her shoulder. "Mhm" Charlie said, nodding and running upstairs again.

Charlie was happy about how her dad let her do things, even if she was honestly pretty young, she was a toddler. But for some reason, she was pretty smart for her age, and was able to do a lot of things herself (even if her dad insisted on helping her when she didn't need it sometimes), and that included things like choosing her own clothes and brushing her teeth. (Even if her dad checked for "sugar bugs" after she was done and helped her the second time)

She ended up picking out a cream-to-orange freddy's branded t-shirt and some patterned pants, and once she was done with picking her clothes, she went into the bathroom to brush her teeth.


Charlie was so happy arriving at Fredbears, her favorite place in the world! She didn't care much for being treated like the golden girl by her father, but at Fredbear's, nobody cared, the kids there didn't know most of the time and the animatronics certainly didn't care much.

She especially liked the security puppet, who was inspired by a doodle of hers from a few months prior. Her papa obviously loved it, and of course, wanted Fredbear's to be safe, so he combined the ideas to create the security puppet. She was more of a gift-giver than a receiver, but she still adored the animatronic dearly.

Maybe it was because it was how Charlie wanted to be, giving gifts to children and helping people, yes. She thinks she wants to be a doctor when she's older, actually, because that'd be so fun. She'd be able to help so many people, save people, and that sounds great!

Mama was a doctor, "Dr.Emily", and she always was working, so she couldn't always take care of Charlie, so maybe not a doctor since Charlie wanted a family, she thought. It'd be fun! But, papa also could usually take care of her on days like today when school, (including Charlie's preschool) was off on a random Friday for teachers to plan or whatever. Maybe she'd ask papa for a doctor's kit, she thought.

Ev-terra, (as she liked to call him, since she didn't "want either name to feel left out" and the whole thing was.. A lot, honestly, nobody knew why his name was so long or why Uncle Will and Aunt Lora named him that) would probably be freaked out by all the doctor stuff though. He probably would get scared of messing up, something that he seemed scared of a lot, so that would be sad. Maybe Lizzie, (though Elizabeth hated being called that, Charlie honestly couldn't say her full name) would like it though.

She was always good at that game, operation, so she'd probably be a good surgeon, Charlie thinks. Micheal sucked at that game though, he never knew where to put anything, so he wouldn't make a great surgeon. In all honesty, since Micheal was such a vivid jerk, he wouldn't be a good doctor at all.

"Whatcha thinkin' about, Charlotte?" her papa asked, accidentally sneaking up behind her. "Oh, um, bein' a docter! An' hows Ev-terra would be scared of bein' one and Lizzie would be a good surgen, –since she's so good at that game, – n how Mikey would be a bad doctor." she finally concluded, proud of herself. Her dad chuckled a bit.

"A doctor, huh? Like your mama?" he asked, hanging up triangle after triangle banner. "Mhm! I wanna be just like mama, n' help people!" she said, her hands on her hips proudly. "That's good, Charlotte. You know, I almost went to college for medicine" he said, his hand on her shoulder. "Woah, did you?"

He chuckled. "No, I didn't, I wanted to do engineering with your Uncle Will. Always had the itch to build, you know." he answered. "Wait, so you- you were itchy because you needed to build the ani-ma-trunics?"

Her papa let out a loud laugh, wiping his eyes for a moment, "No, no–" he tried to (and failed) stop laughing while he was talking, but finally he calmed down. "No, not quite, Charlotte, I mean I wanted to build, not that I was literally itchy because I didn't build things." Charlie nodded at that, before grabbing onto the side of her father's arm. "Are we done, papa?" she asked innocently, sweetly.

"Hm? Oh, yeah, I think so, yes. Fred's will be opening in half-a-hour. So I'll go drop you off at the daycare." he said, scooping her up into his arms, placing her on his shoulders. She giggled as her dad called out, "Liam, I'm gonna take Charlotte to daycare and be right back!" he yelled, starting to walk out as he heard a faint, "Okay" from the background.

Charlie was confused though as she was strapped into her seat. "why did you call uncle will 'liam'?" she asked, as her dad chuckled a bit. "Oh, well, so Charlotte, you know how only I call you Charlotte?" Charlie's face scrunched up. "But so does Lizzie?" she said, but her tone made it sound more like a question. "Okay, uh, not countin' Elizabeth. But it's the same thing, only I call him 'Liam' because of our bond, kay?" he said as he drove.

She seemed to understand then. "Mm, okie." she said, finally, and the rest of the car ride was silent besides the radio. 

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