Phase 12 - Rogue Lineage

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Upon reaching the hole up, the two made it up inside the hole and the surroundings is a large wide kilometer area, They looked around.

Shiro holds to his chest breathing temptedly "So we made to the sky lands huh....that's interesting." While the two is looking at the scenery in far distance front, takara points out and asked:

-"Hey shiro, what do you think is that?"

and shiro replied with a turn:
"I don't know, Takara. but it's not part of this region."

Shiro: "But it looks like a tall constructed tower."  "My retina is not yet in range, but i'll try my best with my concentration."

Shiro draw a certain pattern with a magnifying scope, then he will zoom in
"What's moving over there is a swarm of wyverns sort of guarding that place."

Shiro: "That tower is made from a different material that the people might've built long ago." Far from the view of their eyes, is a swarm of a little wyverns circling around a certain abandoned tower seemingly protecting it or otherwise

Takara: "Are there any people out?" and shiro replied: "Not at all, i don't feel any presence of a single scavenger out there." 

Shiro: "it's too many to count......organisms." Then the two walked over the temple area, seeing dead people

Shiro: "So there are people also in this area." shiro takes something from it "And they have weird genotypes." , "It looks like their ancestors diverged from ours."

Shiro: "There's nothing but corrupted remnants, they are also infected."

He turns to takara and spoke:
"Their language retina is the way how they communicate with other people around this world! , a very intimidating ability." Takara walked through and exploring places and certainly entered a room with a tomb of a looking god 

Shiro: "!" takara aimed his gauntlet at the being and it looked at him with eyes glowing white, then shiro asked: "is it alive??? How did it get in here?"

Takara: "you're a sky messenger aren't you?"

The sentinel's voice spoke in a raspy metal-like voice exhaled out of it's helmet "W-we've failed to protect this settlement."

Shiro: "Did the overworld intruders attacked?"

The Sentinel warned the two: "They're still close......Run...." The sentinel got blown under and a huge explosion rose from the ground, Takara and shiro got blown away as Takara slide down and shiro got his head hit the wall critically, his was heavily injured and damaged, and he said: "abyssal tomes!" and a two sided spiral forming and a red dressed entity is seen in the middle, Takara fired his gauntlet but the entity was too fast, the other abyssal scouts preventing takara using his gauntlet and the red entity charging a power

Shiro's head bleeds even more as his hand was stained all in his own blood, watching by his weak eyes as the two clashes at each other "That's similar to takara's weapon."

  then the entity casted a laser power but shiro interfered using the ability to deflect it, then the whole sky city monument would explode outside, Takara quickly get up and the entity flicked him to the wall breaking through, then the entity kicked takara off the monument falling high and a gigantic colossal looking creature with armor,
Then below the surface stratum, Shiro found takara at the watery surface ground, he carefully dragged him over to the sentinel ally and notifies:
"He's alive!"
shiro placed takara in the ground, then he quickly get up approaching but shiro stopped him and tells: "Hey wait! it's the sentinel, he helped me too." in his voice meant in a reassured tone

Shiro: "Is there anything hurt on you?" and takara replied: "Not at all, thank you."

Shiro: "Did those over world scouts have regiment resistance?"

Sentinel: "The results are still incomplete, there should be some settlements."

Takara: "Are there any humans in this area?"

Sentinel: "Deeper in this stratum, there is a functional structure independently in this city."

Shiro: "We saw it on our way there!"

Takara: "Are there any people in it?" and the sentinel replied: "Yes." "passing through the paradox outside, you'll make you two in there n-n-no time."

The sentinel passed away broke apart indicating it's final moments to death withering awat in the air, shiro looked a little sad, then the two would leave.

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