chapter four part two (draft)

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an: sorry if the chapter starts out slow but it get better as you read more I promise. ya I got it off the net pics not mine but its how i see George in my head at lest

George stopped Thomas and Nikoleta as they stood in between two of the buildings "Thomas let Nikoleta go first you stay back with me. If fighting starts head see if you can get to a roof. You well have a better field of view and it should keep you out sword reach. If we do not think we can get you to a building you stay behind me and take them out with the bow. Do not worry about the front or me I can handle my self." George puts a hand on Nikoletas shoulder. "If it comes down to it make sure he does not do anything stupid." George squeezes her shoulder before she can open her mouth "Thomas is a young man and young men can be easily swayed by a young woman's words. Make sure if I go down that you keep him safe tell Oishi can get to you two." Nikoleta places her hand on top of Georges "I will do my best sir knight." George chuckles softly and motions for Nikoleta to lead on. "wait Nikoleta." Thomas said as he reached out to gently grab her arm. "yes my lord?" she asked. He thrust a bundle at her. "here take this spare cloak I think it is best if we are all hooded so they can not tell who we are." Nikoleta gasps softly as she felt how soft the cloak was, it was like nothing that she had ever felt before. "are you sure my lord I would not want to ruin something as nice as thins." Thomas shook his head. "no don't worry about it Nikoleta keep it you're going to need it more then I will." Nikoleta stared at Thomas with wide eyes as she pulled the cloak on over her shoulders. Truly here was a noble man who would give something so valuable to peasant like her, even if she was first servant this was a nobles cloak even if was plain. "thank you my lord" she said as she tried to hide the tears running down her cheeks. With out thinking Thomas reached out and hugged her as he would any other women that he had made . "it's ok I didn't mean to upset you really its not a big deal I have an extra cloak." he could feel her shaking and failed to understand why so he tried harder to comfort her. "its ok we'll keep you safe just lead the way and we'll handle this." Nikoleta looked up at him "no my lord it is not something that you have said, for truly there has never been a lord as kind and gentle as you," she wipes the tears from her eyes before continuing "the stories are true for you are a lord of the people you must be one of the nobles of the commons, come my lord this way." with that she pushed away from him and headed on. "don't even think about saying it." Thomas hissed at George who chuckled "the thought never crossed my mind my lord." Thomas simply glared then went back to following Nikoleta. As they approached the village square they could hear the sounds of yelling and screams coming from that area ahead. As they turned onto the street they where greeted with a that made both Nikoleta and Thomas gasp softly the villagers were gathered as a fat man in robes was yelling at them his boot on the back of of someone they could not see the guard standing next to him could have passed for one of the bandit they had encountered had a sword drawn it looked like they where going to kill who ever was on there knees. "George." Thomas said "we have to stop them." George nodded as he reached back and took his shield off of his back "Thomas now would be a good time to start running that mouth of yours or I am never going to get to that person in time." Thomas nodded as George reached up to pull his visor down over his face. "as Oishi said this is going to be interesting." George said as he reached back and placed a hand on his sword hilt.

Elijah smiled cruellyas he rolled the old man under his boot. He looks up at the villagers gathered around in the square. How he hated the peasants out here so little better then barbarian heathens the church wouldn't let him come out and just kill them no that would look bad but he could squeeze them until they popped and then he could stomp them into the ground and tell both the church and the lords that he simply had to put the peasants back in there place. "you see if you fail to aid the church in its need. When the church comes to you and asks you to give so that the church can defend you for the monsters of this world" Elijah shoved the old man that was under his foot. "yet you feel the church is not being fair that we who the church as deemed to be on its holy mission to gather these supplies," Elijah held out his hand and one of his men placed a cup of wine then he took a sip of his wine. "you say that the church is taking to much from you, yet we have only asked for some of your young men, some of your food, and your faith in us." Elijah sneered as he looked at them with contempt "yet still you hide from us claim you have no more to give the church." Elijah belched and waved his arms around at the few young men and the small pile of sacks that were next to him on the platform. "this is proof of your disbelief of your unfaithfulness to the church. For this you must pay, your elder here claims he is smarter then the church that if we take what we have here what we are due that this village well die. That you will have no more grain to plant that you well have no more men to work the fields." Elijah laughed cruelly "so the church has made its decisions." he beckoned on of his men forward "we shall kill your elder and take this village in the name of the church and you all shall become servants of the church to serve as we see fit." the man he had summoneddrew his sword. Elijah smiled his eyes lustfully roamed over some of the younger women in the crowd yes they would do nicely send the young men to the army and the rest to rot in the mines how he loved being part of the church, how many of them would give him there bodies to save their village yes it was time to see. "You are no man of the cloth!" a voice yelled from the back the crowd snapping him out of his day dream. "You are nothing more then then a common bandit praying on thous who are to weak to fight back." Elijah sputtered and spit out his wine as he almost choked. "Who said that? Who dares say that about the church." he demanded, the crowd was starting part and he could see three cloaked and hooded people standing there. Elijah pointed "just who do you think you are to dare say something like that to me?" he demanded. One of the figures threw back his hood as he stepped forward. His voice full of confidence "I did you nitwit." Elijah jaw dropped as the figure continued speaking "My name is Thomas Edison and you shall let these people go." Elijah laughed at the young man "and just how do you think that you are going to make me do that?" Thomas laughed as he made a sweeping hand gesture. "me I'm sorry you must confused with some common bandit like your self." his voice full of contempt and condescending. "My man here now." as he spoke George flicked open the clasp to his cloak in one smooth movement that continue up to his sword hilt and finally ended with his bastard sword drawn and resting point down. "he will make you." Thomas put on his best cruel smile "over the bodies of your men if need be." the villagers gasps as they got a better look at their first look at Georges armor. A knight... he must be a noble... is that a knight of .. yes that's a holy knight of Sidonia they mummer and spoke among them selves. Elijah felt a sick feeling in his stomach "no, no, it can't be the knights where killed." panic filled his voice as he backed away from the sight of the holy knight in full battle armor. "the church had you all killed there are no more nobles of the people." Elijah grabbed the man next to him "kill them kill them all do it now." he shoved the man towards Thomas and his companions

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