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soft music started playing as soon as the vlog started, the camera seemingly being placed on a dresser as you could see the whole bedroom. multiple dried flowers were hung up on the walls and lego flowers were neatly placed on the nightstand next to the bed. a tuff of dark hair could be seen clearly in the sea of white pillows and blankets.

 the time read 4.30 a.m in the top right of the screen

after a few seconds a loud alarm could be heared, the idol groaned and burried his face further into the matress before deciding to turn it off.  a sleepy val sat up on the bed, still sleeping with open eyes. the boy waved to the camera as soon as he saw it before letting out a yawn. 

in the next scene, val held the camera in his hands, coffee eyes slightly watery as he had just woken up. "dobry den, stay. good morning . joeun achimieyo. jo regget. guten morgen " he greeted, his voice raspy. "I don't know how to vlog or what to do.... " he mummbled in english before repeating himself in korean, subtitles translating what he says into your prefered language. 

val set the camera down onto the kitchen counter top, sliding it a little to the right so you could see what he was doing. the idol stoot there for afew seconds, thinking, before letting out a sound of realization and turning to the camera "do you know shakshuka? let's make that... do we even have everything" val asked himself, looking throught the cabinets and in the fridge. "it's a meal from north african and middle eastern, I believe. I the first time I had it was in egypt, it was really good" the tall man frowned a little before turing to the camera once more "looks like we need to go shopping"

the next thing you saw was val in the bathroom, doing his skincare routine after having brushed his teeth, soft music getting a little lounder as before, after that val, who was now wearing his glasses, pulled a hoodie over his white button up, the hoodie was a baby blue with care-bears on it, it was old yes but it looked very comfortable. he waved to you once more before the image faded away to a different scene. 

the idol was now wearing a mask, fogging his glasses slightly, and slowly walked around the supermarket. the subtitles read 'we don't need much, just some cilantro,fresh tomatoes, paprika and bell pepper, maybe I'm gonna put some goat cheese as well'.  the next minute was val carefully picking out the ingredients

the next thing you saw was him paying and showing finger heart to the camera.

now back in the kitchen, val stood there with a tired felix hugging the taller boys waist.

"I'm back, with felix" the idol gestured to the blond behind him. "we will also make pita bread, felix will help us with that"

the ingrediants are shown listed on the screen and felix now held the camera to show them what val was doing. 

first he whisked together sugar and yeast in a large bowl, then stired in warm water. "now we let the yeast activate until it's frothy"  felix set the camera back down and stood next to val once more. "lixi, could you peele the tomatoes in the mean time? I'll dice the onion and I already chopped the parsley, the cilantro and the pepper" the dark haired man asked the sleepy idol in english. "of course".  

"we can continue with the pita bread" val informed felix, who ate one of the tomatoes, earning a deadpan expression from his friend. " just, add the salt and olive oil, and then stirr using a wooden spoon, then add 2 ½ cups of flour. continue stirring and add a tablespoon of flour at a time until the dough starts to pull away from the sides" the younger man instructed. 

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