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Yeonjun's POV:

We all got dressed to go out, they were all so excited to go outside, and ride some roller coasters, but first of all, we have to eat, I just can't function properly without eating breakfast

We found a bakery that had an art gallery, we decided to eat there, we found a seat and ordered our food, a cute little robot brought it to us, when we all got our food, Soobin immediately stuffed his face with it, getting the cream of the waffles on his nose

"You have whipped cream on your nose!" Beomgyu laughed, pointing to Soobin's face, "huh?" He looked down at his nose and tried to reach the cream with his tongue, I giggled at his cuteness before snapping a photo of him, and wiping it for him "thanks" he said taking another bite of his waffles

I cut my pancakes and tasted it, "it tastes good!" I said with my face stuffed with food, Soobin giggled, "you look cute" he said giving me a kiss on the cheek, "ehem, please don't forget we are also here so can you just STOP BEING ANNOYING FOR ONCE" Taehyun said

I rolled my eyes and went back to eating my food, "after we eat can we watch a movie?" Kai said not looking up from his food, "what movie?" Beomgyu asked, "I don't know. Whatever movie we see I guess" Kai said

"Okay, sounds good" I answered, "after that can we eat some ice cream?" Soobin asked, "oh!, and some ice cream sandwiches" Beomgyu shouted, "oh yeah!, I like that too!" Soobin said as he high-fived the other

"You guys are already planning what to eat while you're literally eating?" Taehyun chuckled, "might as well look for kimchi while you're here"

"What does that connect to what we're talking about?" Beomgyu asked, "well, cause... You're talking about food and you know... Whatever" Kai shrugged

We continued eating our food while talking about what movies we could watch after we eat, we decided on watching 'The conjuring' the other two were against it, but me, Hyun, and Ning managed to force them into watching it with us

We finished eating and headed to the movie theater (I dunno if there's a theater there cuz I've never been there but just pretend that it does)

We bought some snacks and got in our seats, the row was full so Kai had to sit in the row below us, he took his bucket of popcorn and sat in his seat

Me and Taehyun sat next to each other and our boyfriends on our sides



The movie started playing and Soobin immediately clung to me, holding onto my arm for dear life. I took his hand off and held it in mine to make him feel better, he smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheek before putting his focus back to the movie

He looked so cute whenever he flinched and would cuddle my arm, or when he would ask if the scary part was done before opening his eyes again.

The whole movie, he was just stuck to me like a magnet, when the movie ended and we got back out, we all had to cover our eyes from the sunlight, maybe we shouldn't have watched a movie this early

But whatever. What's done is done. What's not done though is Soobin shivering in fear, I've held his hands ever since we left the theater, but he is still shaking, complaining how he's not gonna be able to sleep tonight

We rode quite a lot of rides before stopping for lunch, we ate at a sushi restaurant, I finished 1 and a half plates of sushi, since I was so hungry from all the walking we did this afternoon

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