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The day of Easter was supposed to be a small break for the Stone family. No chasing callings. It was a day that was supposed to be filled with family and in a way, it most definitely was.

When everyone sat down at the table for the holiday dinner, the family members that were on the plane received a calling. Although, Zeke received the same as well.

All of the sudden, they were all on a plane except it was not 828. No, it was different.

"Where are we?" Michaela asked as she looked around. "This isn't 828."

"I don't know," Ben answered.

They were all sitting in the same row together before everything started shaking and it got dark outside as lightning flashed. Although, as the plane got dark, they all noticed a bright glow a few rows up.

"She's back," Cal smiled.

"Who's back?" Ben said as Cal ran forward through the aisle towards the glow.

They followed him. Ben was in front as he walked towards the glow to find it was coming from a person. She had a halo of golden, white light wrapped around her and his eyes widened as he recognized her.

"Elisa," Ben said in shock as his eyes widened.

"Elisa?" Zeke questioned.

"Our sister," Michaela answered as she stepped forward with teary eyes. "I don't understand. How are you here?"

Elisa smiled as Cal answered before she could, "She's going to save us all."

They were all thrown out of the calling and back into the real world. It only lasted a few seconds before the TV flickered onto the news. Everyone looked towards it.

"You guys can see that?" Michaela questioned the normal people in their family.

"Yeah and I'm officially creeped out," Olive answered.

The news was on. It was talking about a huge story unfolding currently in California.

"There were a bunch of lightning strikes today around LAX before a plane suddenly appeared in the runway. A plane that was never even missing," the news reporter said. "We're hearing that it was Delta Flight 555 and there was only one person on board who the authorities have not revealed yet..."

"Oh my god," Michaela said in shock. "Ben, Elisa's flight was..."



Elisa felt scared and confused but mostly scared. People came onto her plane and escorted her off of it. She had to explain over and over again that she didn't know what happened to the authorities.

She could hear them whisper sometimes about another 828 situation. She didn't know what that meant. But they had told her she had disappeared on April 7, 2013 and she returned on April 21, 2019. She had laughed at first before reality sunk in (if reality was even a thing anymore).

            She kept wondering about Matthew and her family. If six years had passed, were they alright? She was desperate to see them. When she was finally released, her family was waiting for her and they all ran towards each other.

           "Ben! Michaela!" she yelled as the siblings collided in a group hug.

                "I can't believe you're back," Michaela smiled. "I didn't think something like this could happen twice."

            "Twice?" she frowned before her eyes landed on her father and she leaped towards him. "Dad!"

            She hugged him tightly before she looked around for her mother but her eyes couldn't find what would never be there again, "Where's Mom?"

           Her father frowned before Ben spoke for him, "Mom...passed away, El."

           Elisa frowned before Grace arrived with Olive and Cal. Grace smiled as she gave Elisa a hug, "Things just haven't been the same without you."

         Elisa merely nodded as her jaw dropped at how much older Olive was and Olive smiled a bit jokingly, "I know. I can finally wear your old prom dress that I wanted."

         Elisa chuckled a bit before she hugged the twins. Cal looked up at her with a grin, "I knew you'd come back."

         Ben and Michaela shared a glance. They had heard what Cal said in the calling. When they asked what he meant, he responded: I don't know. I just know that she's special. Ben thought that somehow their sister held the key to everything; he just didn't how yet.

           When Elisa let go of the twins, her eyes went to a man that now had a buzzcut. Matthew. His brown eyes stared straight into hers like he was staring at a miracle, like he was hypnotized. And it had been a long while since he stared at her with so much affection.

            "Eli," he gave her a small, gentle smile as he spoke in a nervous tone.

           "Matty," she choked as she immediately pulled him into a hug. He wrapped his arms around her like a cocoon and for a moment she didn't feel so scared or confused.

         She was with her Matty and she could hear his heart beating in his chest as she laid her head against it. It skipped a little beat as she did so and everything felt alright. Everything felt okay.

          For now.


              Apparently, Matthew moved back to New York after she disappeared. So, they all had to board another plane to go back home. She sat next to Matthew.

         She was playing with his hand and she noticed that something was missing. His wedding ring.

         "You...don't wear it anymore," she said quietly.

           "It's been six years."

           She played with the wedding ring on her own finger. She twisted it around as she thought about the inscription that was on it: half of my heart.

            "It's been six years for you but for me...you're still my Matty," she confessed. "The other half of my heart."

            Matthew smiled, "And you think that's changed for me?"

            "Has it?"

            He entwined his hand with hers and the touch of his skin still made her heart pound as he replied, "You'll always have half of my heart, Elisa Stone."

             And she smiled.

AN: it's a little short but i wanted to do a short little thing before I put her into all the callings drama

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2023 ⏰

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