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Taken from the diary of a middle-schooler, Aditi Sinha, who's not mature enough to handle the after-effects of her tragic loss; let alone support her little sister & herself! How she gathers her strength to live on, is a very sweet story. Please read on to find on!


"It's all over!", cried my little sister, over my shoulder.

We were pitied, we were taken care off by other(s),

But after all, to them, we were nothing more than boulder(s)

For we had lost something precious, our mother and father.

We cried day and night protesting against our unfair lives,

But the outcome was as expected! No sign of a miracle!

All gone in a jiffy, the happy, lively times and the high-fives,

The whole world seems distorted through our glassy spectacle!

The disaster is over and so is the shock, we have to move on.

Walking towards the new dawn with open arms, I say to her,

"I will always protect you, sissy, no matter what."; my fears all gone!

I have to tread the path of the unknown world; I have to dare

For my sake and my sister's too; I have to be tough and strong.

I still cry in solitude, away from her, for it's a big burden on me.

Suddenly she pats my back and amazes me, says, "You are wrong!

You are not alone in this! I am with you. See!"


Isn't it a sweet ending of a tragic story? ^.^

We gather more strength to struggle for survival when we have the support of someone dear, isn't it?

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