It's finished!

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It was the middle of the night and Marvin was still working on the antidote. It is now Thursday which means Jack will be home tomorrow afternoon. Anti was currently asleep on Marvin's bed, exhausted about the hard work both of them had been doing yesterday. Marvin was currently mixing up the ingredients in the bowl he was using to make the antidote in. He was hoping that he was doing it right if not he would have to start all over. He looked over at the clock and sighed softly. 1AM was creeping around the corner. He decided to just stop what he was doing and go to bed, but something was telling him to keep going. He kept mixing it until the colors changed from a light purple to a dark blue. He looked over at his book and his eyes widened, that was the color it needed to be! He looked back at the antidote and smiled happily.

"Did I do it right?! This is the color it needed to be, it says so in the book!" Marvin thought to himself looking back and forth from the antidote to the book.

He did it! He couldn't stop smiling after weeks of trying to make an antidote to change his brother back to normal. He did it all the work he did paid off with a little help from Evelien and Anti of course. The couragement his brothers gave him was enough motivation for him to keep going and never give up. He was so happy he made the antidote now all that's left to do was give it to Anti in the morning for now it was time to get some rest. He set the antidote somewhere safe so it wouldn't get knocked over during the night. Once that was done he carefully crawled into bed next to Anti, pulling the covers over his body. He looked up at the ceiling happily.

"I can't believe I did it! I knew I was getting close to making the antidote! I can't wait to tell the others"

He soon felt tired, all the excitement has worn him out plus all the hard work he's been doing now he can get some proper rest without having to worry about work. He slowly closed his eyes, letting sleep consume him.

                                                           The next morning

Marvin woke up to the bright light shining in his eyes. He groaned in annoyance having to deal with that every morning. He looked over at his clock to see the time. It was currently 11AM. Marvin sighed softly, sitting up as he looked over to his desk. He remembered what happened last night and quickly got out of bed, grabbed the antidote, rushed out of his room, and rushed down the stairs being careful not to spill any. When he entered the kitchen everyone was already eating looking at the magician confused. Everyone saw the happiness in his eyes and the excitement was written all over his face. Jackie was the first to break the awkward silence.

"Uh, everything good bro?" Jackie asked, looking at Marvin confused.

"I'm better than good, Jackie! I just successfully made the antidote for Anti!" Marvin said, holding up the antidote for everyone to see.

"Woah, really?! That's awesome bro!" Chase said, smiling happily.

"That's great, Marv. Now you can give it to Anti and this will be all over for all of us." Jackie said, taking a bite out of his toast.

Marvin rubbed the back of his neck nervously, "Well, about that...I can't give it to Anti now..."

"Vhat do you mean you can't?" Henrik asked, giving the magician a serious glare.

"The antidote won't work properly if I were to give it to Anti now. The book says I need to give it to Anti at midnight. He needs to drink the whole thing no later than that." Marvin said, frowning a bit.

JJ frowned a bit, setting down his fork and holding his hands up to sign, 'You mean he can't drink it past midnight?'

Marvin nodded, "If he does, I would need to make it again and I don't have time to do that. Jack will be home tomorrow afternoon so this is my only shot to turn him back."

"That's a strange potion you put on him, Marv. You haven't worked on that potion before?" Chase asked, looking at the magician curiously.

"I haven't, but I don't plan on doing it again. It's complicated besides I don't even know how I managed to do it in the first place." Marvin replied, sitting down with the others.

Everyone only nodded going back to eating their breakfast. Once everyone was finished they went off to do their own things. Marvin and Anti decided to spend time together by going out to waste some time. Anti won't lie he had fun being a kid, but it had its ups and downs. He couldn't wait to be an adult again for now he's enjoying the time he and Marvin are having together.

When they came home it was 7PM. Evelien was in the kitchen preparing dinner for everyone so Anti and Marvin decided to chill out in the living room to watch a movie. When dinner was ready everyone came in, grabbed their plate filled with food, and sat down at the table. Everyone was chatting and having a good time. They couldn't wait to see Jack tomorrow and ask him all that he's done with his family over the past three weeks. Once everyone was finished with dinner JJ stayed behind to help Evelien clean up. Marvin and Anti were in the living room watching a horror movie that Anti had picked out. Anti won't lie he was a bit nervous to take the antidote he was scared that it would backfire and turn him into something far worse than a child. The small demon fiddled with his fingers nervously watching the clock anxiously. Marvin quickly took notice and smiled softly, placing his hand on Anti's causing the demon to stop what he was doing and looked up at his brother.

"It's going to be okay, Anti. I know you're nervous to take the antidote, but as long as we do it like the instructions say everything will go good. I promise you." Marvin said, smiling softly at the demon.

Anti nodded, putting his focus back on the movie. He trusted his brother, he knew that nothing would go wrong and that Marvin wouldn't let anything bad happen to him. For now he focused on spending time with his brother.

Midnight was slowly creeping near and Anti was holding onto the antidote for dear life. Marvin was in his room with him to give him a bit of encouragement. The magician gave the small demon before looking at the time on his phone.

"It's 11:59PM. Are you ready to do this?" Marvin asked, looking at the demon.

"I-I'm scared I'll mess it u-up! W-What if I don't drink it q-quick enough?!" Anti asked, looking at his brother worriedly.

Marvin smiled softly, "Don't worry, Anti. You can do this. I know you can."

Before Anti could say anything Marvin looked at his phone and nodded telling anti to start drinking. Anti began drinking, chugging it down so fast. Once he was finished he gave the bowl back to Marvin and looked at him worriedly. Marvin knew what that look meant and he checked the time again. He smiled softly and ruffled his hair.

"Don't worry, little dude. You did it just in time." Marvin said, smiling happily.

Anti smiled happily, but soon felt extremely tired. He looked at his brother nervously hoping that this was normal.

"Don't worry, Anti. It's normal to feel tired after taking the antidote, just lay down and get some rest. When you wake up you should be back to your old self again." Marvin said, getting up from Anti's bed.

Anti nodded as he laid down on his bed, covering himself up with his blankets. Marvin quietly left the room, closing the door behind him. Once Marvin was gone Anti slowly began to close his eyes letting sleep consume him. 

A/N ~ I'm sad to say that there will be one chapter left. I had so much fun writing and I'm happy that everyone enjoyed reading 'Little Glitch'. Thank you all so much for your love and support it means a lot to me. I might throw in an extra chapter for you guys to show you how much Anti and Marvin's bonding has grown. Anyway, thank you again so much for reading my book! I'll see you guys in the last chapter! Buh~Bye!! <3 

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