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Hey people, this point on, I'm officially done with the pictures of words! Instead I can finally type them down!! If you want to give suggestions, you are very free to message me privately, or just comment on various chapters. Anyways, onto the story 😃
Ten years ago
Tommy's POV:
A WEEK FROM MY SEVENTH BIRTHDAY!! Ahhhhhhh!!! I was thinking. I wonder what I'm getting, but let's face it, it's probably going to be nothing. I was still in my bed when my parents come in... and they look MAD! I forgot to cook dinner..

"Thomas, where's our dinner? I TOLD YOU TO MAKE THE SPAGHETTI!!" His mother says

"Did you want us to starve Tomsy?" His father says mockingly.

"No of course not father! I just forgot, I'm sorry.." I say. I look down to the floor. I know something's going to happen to me now.


I kept getting slapped and kicked...

"GET GOING WITH DINNER! And you have no right to call us your parents anymore! Now on, call us ma'am and sir, saying your just a little mistake. The only reason we haven't left you to the streets yet is because our neighbors would be suspicious of not seeing a little runt running around our yard anymore. Chop chop, start dinner Thomas." His 'father' says.

Now I have no family. I have no future, do I....

Present time
Third Person POV:

"TOMMY!!" ^^ Dream yells

"Fuck, sorry man, just thinking. Y'know, plays and shit. Imma have to talk to Sap and quackity once we get back." Tommy says, still looking out the window. He was still zoned out.

"Well, we're at the school now, get out of my car dude. That, and why do you need to talk to Sapnap and Quackity if you were thinking bout plays?"

"If you must know baby boy, I'd just REALLY like to talk to them. They're my ranting people." Tommy says, noticeably nervous.

"I would be a good person to rant to."

"No, Dream." Tommy says, getting out of the car, "SAPNAP! QUACKITY! I need to talk to you guys!" running over to them.

"Cool, cool, come on then dude!" They say, going to him.

They all go over to a secluded spot, knowing nobody would follow them. Right?

"I think I'm slowly panicking, please help..." Tommy says, his breathing going fast.

Tommy's POV
Shit, I forgot they don't know if my trauma. They only know that I have no parents..

"Actually, never mind, imma just go know..." I say, running away into the locker room, hyperventilating.

I don't know if anyone is following me, but I don't care... I NEED TO GET THIS DONE

I get into my back, which is thankfully in the locker room, and get out my razor. I just know I deserve this, I get told everyday.

I'm worthless
I should've been dead years ago
Then kill yourself
No one loves you, it's all a lie
Yea, no shit, I learned that after my crushes got together with each other
You're going to be alone forever
Might as well kill yourself now so you don't have to suffer loneliness later, even if you're going to be lonely in the afterlife anyway
I'll be lonely no matter what
My friends would be devastated if I killed myself
I just need a little edge from death
What 'friends' are YOU talking of
You have no friends
I might not have many, but Sapnap and Quackity are 2. They could've left me to die months ago but they didn't.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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