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I was late again. There were just too many files that I wanted to have a look on before heading back home. I just hope that no one would get disturbed in their sleep on my arrival.

As silently as I could, I opened the main door and then closed it.

"New record for you, 2 in the morning."

I turned around to see Dad sitting on the sofa, probably waiting on me.

"I'm sorry Dad. There were a few files that I wanted to check up on before heading home. Don't know where the time went. You shouldn't have waited up on me."

He cut me off with a wave of his hand. "I'm your Dad, not the other way round. You can go and do your parenting thing with Rishi and Mahi, but not with me. Now come on tell me, did you have your dinner?"

Dinner! Shit. I meant to order something from the office canteen, but then I lost track of time. If I tell Dad about this then I have another thing coming at me. "Uh yes Dad. I've had my dinner."

He shook his head. "Come on. I'll reheat your food in the oven. You should be more caring towards yourself Manik. And don't you dare tell me that you've had your dinner. I know you."

I quickly followed Dad into the kitchen as he reheated my food in the oven and plated it.

Once we were seated at the dining table, and I started having dinner, Dad cleared his throat.

"There was one thing that I wanted to discuss with you Manik."

Discuss something?

"Is everything alright Dad?"

"Yeah, everything is going good. Nothing to worry about. Well we have liked a girl for you. For marriage."


"Dad what... What are you talking about? Marriage?"

"Manik it's the right age. When I was your age, I had fallen in love with your Ma. You're professionally well established. Now we want to see your personal life also being established."

Looking at the hesitation on my face, Dad asked. "Do you have somebody else in your life?"

I widened my eyes. "What? No! No Dad. I don't have anyone in my life. But Dad, marrying right now? I don't even know the girl."

"That's the beauty of arranged marriage beta. You need to trust your parents with this. I assure you, your Ma would have loved the girl we have chosen for you."

Who's the girl but?

Dad answered my unasked question. "The girl is Nandini. Nandini Murthy."

Nandini Murthy. I've heard enough praises of her from Rishi and Mahi. She has mingled well with Rishi while working. But marrying her?

"Do one thing. Think over this and give me an answer tomorrow evening. But remember this, this is the right age for marriage. Getting a partner right now would be a blessing for you." Dad patted me on the back and then went out of the dining area.

How do I tell Dad that i don't want to marry someone because I don't want to risk getting close to someone, and then have them snatched away from my life. I'm not ready to open up to someone and lower my guards. God!

What a mess.

That whole night, I tossed and turned.

Marriage? How will I be giving my 100 percent to a girl when I don't know if I will be comfortable enough to be close to her? What if she also leaves me once I put my guard down?

But then everyone liked Nandini for my marriage with her. And Dad said that even Ma would have loved Nandini. What do I do now?

The first thing I did the next morning was race over to Abhi and Mukti's place. Abhi is the only married guy in our group, and I'm sure he'd be the best one to seek advice right now.

I had already given a call to Abhi at 6 in the morning that I'm coming over, and so here I was. Sharp at 8 at his doorstep, ringing the doorbell.

The door opened to reveal Abhi still in his night dress.

"Manik. Come come."

I got inside and he must have seen the look on my face as he quickly sobered up.

"What happened?" He asked as we sat down and Mukti brought coffee for all three of us.

"Marriage happened," I deadpanned.

Abhi gave a puzzled look. "What?"

"Yesterday night Dad told me that this was the right age for marriage. Apparently, they have liked a girl for me, which they think would be the best for me."

I could tell by Abhi's expression that he no longer needed coffee to focus. My words were enough to break all of his sleepiness.

"Who is the girl?"

"Nandini Murthy."

Mukti chirped, "Hey I have heard about her. She's a very sweet person, but at the same time, she is so sharp on the court. Even I think Manik, that you should go ahead with this. Atleast go and meet her."

"My problem is not Nandini. My problem is marriage. I don't want to marry anyone," I said.

"Because you don't trust them to not be snatched away from your life once you start being close to that person. Am I right?" Abhi asked.

I hung my head. "Yeah."

"Manik you should understand that this is not the way you should live. It's not like you are not close to anybody. You're close to your family. You're close to Fab 5. Same way, give this also a chance. Not everybody is snatched from you right?"

There was a major problem in Abhi's words. I was close to them, but I'd still kept everybody he mentioned at an arm's length. Nobody knows what I truly believe or think or feel about anything. I've not let anyone totally in. My last guard is always up.

Maybe I should do the same for Nandini? It's obvious that my family likes her, and if they do then I'd say yes to the marriage. I'm doing it for them only. But it's not like I won't do anything for Nandini. She'd be my wife. She'd get all rights for being my wife. I'd fulfill all her demands and expectations. It's just that she won't go all the way in.

That evening when I came back home, I told Dad that my decision was a yes. As I did, I saw the happiness in his eyes.

Wasn't this because of which I said yes to the marriage? I'm doing it because of my family. Nandini would get everything that is expected when she'll be my wife. Just not my heart.

I don't think I'd ever be ready to do that gamble.


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