A Meeting

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[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! I am finally back (over a year later lol) with a new chapter! I hope that you all enjoy this chapter here!]

(No One's POV)

(Name) woke up early, the same routine of Sebastian helping her dress. She thanked him and went to eat. Now is the time for a meeting she is going to have. About some rats in London. The drug dealing drugs or something akin to it. She goes to the meeting and hears her staff outside.

"Look, there is another one!"

"Catch it!"

"Quite the commotion going on out there." One of her guests says. "Seems you are experiencing a rat problem as well."

"Speaking of which, how long will you let the vermin run wild? Filthy monsters... Someone really ought to take care of them, don't you think?" Another one says.

"And someone will." One of her closest allies says. He has a woman on his lap. "She's just waiting for the opportune moment."

"Indeed." Her aunt agreed. "She prefers to settle things with one blow. Will you pass on this turn to Lady Phantomhive?"

"I shall pass." (Name) says. "It is my policy not to shoot if I know that I'll miss."

"That is very well, but when will you handle the problem?"

"Anytime now, the rats will soon come running, looking for my forbidden cheese." She says. "They can never resist."

She looks down at the pool table as the rat plays his move. It is him, as plain as day.

"Even so, locating the nest and eradicating the vermin promises to be a tedious task." (Name) sighs. "You should concentrate on preparing a suitable reward."

The guests scoff. "You are a vulture."

"Sir Randle." She says, eyes narrowing. "Do not forget who you speak to. It would not be wise to slander my family's name."

"You are in trouble now, Randle. What you say now, Lady Phantomhive?" The rat asks.

"It is time to put an end to this pointless game, don't you think?" She says, standing up. "How soon can you secure the payment?"

"Tonight, my lady."

She gets into position, ignoring the lot, and smirks. She gets them all in one go and wins. (Name) sends some of her guests on their way, and then she has tea with the last two.

Grell, a different butler, is staring at (Name).

"Grell, this is my niece, Lady (Name) Phantohive, and you will treat her with respect." Madam Red tells him.

He stares at her blushing and nods.

(In canon Grell is a trans woman or genderfluid, and right now in the story right now no one knows that, so we are using the right now He/Him Pronouns. But it will have she/her later!)

"Yes, Madam."

(Name) looks at Grell, he is rather beautiful for a man. She smiles softly. "I am sure Sebastian can teach Grell a few things."

"Of course I shall, My Lady," Sebastian says.

"Now (Name)." Madam Red says. "Why do you not let Lou find the nest and put an end to it. A rat knows where a rat's nest is."

(Name) smiles. "Do not fret, Madam Red. I am very capable of ending the rat myself. It will not be my first, and it will not be my last."

"Yes, I am well aware." Madam Red says. "Though, you are neglecting your duties of finding a husband."

(Name) looks at her, and Sebastian openly glares.

"By your age, I was married, and so was your mother." She presses, and (Name) sighs.

"I am well aware that I am unwed. I rather not Marry if I can help it." She admits. "I have my own dreams and goals to live, and I do not wish for a man to be in my life."

"(Name)." Madam Red presses. "There is no time to waste. I have a student I am teaching. Very well bred and of good standing. Intelligent and handsome as well. I suggest that you meet him for tea at the very least."

"Madam Red, My Lady has told you she is not interested in romantic pursuits," Sebastian says, annoyed. "She is loyal to the Queen and Married to her work, nothing more, nothing less."

(Name) sighed as Sebastian and her aunt began to argue.

"Fine, I will have tea with this student as long as you do not mention it again." (Name) agrees.

"Wonderful!" Madam Red says, grinning as Grell is angry and Sebastian does not like this. "I will set up the details."

(Name) nodded and stood. "Excuse me, I have classes to get ready for. Sebastian, see my guests out and bring a dessert to me in my office."

"Of course, My Lady," Sebastian says and leaves.

(Name) walked to her office and was suddenly knocked out. She falls to the floor hard. Seeing that it was the rat before everything went black!

[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Finally, I have another chapter is done, but this still will have slow updates! I hope you still all enjoyed this, and thank you for waiting for so long, and Stay sexy, all of my sexy muffins! 

That Lady Is MINE~: Various Yandere Black Butler X Female Adult Ciel ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now