if they had a cat

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•this either goes two ways, either she hates the cat or really doesn't mind the cat.

•if she hates the cat she would always ensure the cat was not in the same room with her.

•Kurotsuno would never touch the cat and would pretend like it was never there.

•Met has tried to make Kurotsuno atleast pet the cat, but that was a big fail.

•if Kurotsuno likes the cat, she'd probably be sitting on the couch with the cat on her lap while Kurotsuno eats her ocho chocolate.

•the cat either hates Kurotsuno or loves Kurotsuno.

•kuro would name the cat "ocho"


•hanten doesn't care for animals much

•when hanten takes her naps, there's a chance the cat will be sleeping with her
(Lilac wishes she were the cat)

•she would definitely take the cat out to catch some birds and kill them

•the cat would learn to scratch the hell out of Met, wonder who taught the cat that.......

•since both hanten and the cat takes naps alot I'd figure that the cat would spend a lot of time with hanten napping.

•hanten would name the cat some cool or scary name. Or a dumb funny one.


•you guys know the video of a kid saying he was gonna put the cat on the mic and the cat ends up meowing it's balls off?

•it's definitely happend with Met putting the cat on her mic for her bloody radio.

•the cat is definitely scared of Met and met tries to love the cat, obviously failing each time.

•when Met is in the room the cat will be hiding under a table or in any box to get away from met.

•Met adores the cat not giving it any personal space and attempts to snuggle the cat every chance she gets.

•the cat gets spoiled with treats by met but still dosent trust her. (Lol poor met)

•she would name the cat after some badass gun or knife.


Honestly kuro seems like a cat person, while met and hanten just go for any animal.

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