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Chapter 1-

"I should buy a curtain soon..." you mumbled, rubbing your eyes as you slowly got out of bed. The cool air sent a shiver down your spine, but your excitement for a new start in a new school was stronger. You put on your slippers and walked out of your room, ready to face the new day. As you entered the kitchen, you smelled something delicious cooking on the stove.

"Good morning, okaasan!" you greeted your mom as you sat down at the table, steam rising from a bowl of rice and a small dish of steamed fish. "This looks amazing!" you exclaimed as you placed your hands together and bowed your head. "Itadakimasu!" you added before taking your first bite."Good morning, dear," your mom replied with a smile as she finished her serving and put her dishes away. "Are you ready for school?" she asked, her eyes filled with worry about your adjustment to the new environment. You smiled confidently and replied, "I sure am! I'm even excited to start." 

After finishing your breakfast, you put your dishes in the sink and gave your mom a little kiss on the forehead before preparing for school.
"Ittekimasu!" you say loudly as you wore your school bag. "Be careful and have fun!" your mother says back from the kitchen. You wore your shoes and walked out of your new home. As you stepped outside, you couldn't help but admire the surroundings of your new home..

"Nekoma looks nice," is what you thought to yourself, staring at the school building before entering. You changed your shoes before looking for your new classroom. As you were searching, you accidentally bumped into someone. "Oh, I'm so sorry!-" you apologized, but stopped halfway through when you noticed his blonde hair. You watched as he walked away, confused about whether the school allowed hair dyeing or if his hair was naturally blonde. 

You eventually found you classroom successfully. You sat down in your new classroom and glanced around, trying to get a feel for the people around you. You sat in the middle row near a window because you liked the view. "Should I start making friends?" you asked yourself as you scanned the room, you caught a glimpse of a tall guy with silver hair, and you felt a little pang of interest. You stood up and started walking toward him, ready to break the ice, but then he turned around, and you noticed just how attractive he was. You don't like attractive people who get a lot of attention. As you tried to backpedal and go back to your seat, he called out to you. "Hey, you were walking toward me!" he said, approaching you with a friendly grin. "You must be mistaken, I was merely stretching my legs" you said, hopefully he thinks I'm a geek. "Nope! I'm Lev Haiba! Nice to meet you!" he introduced himself with a big smile "What's you name?" "F/N... F/N L/N." you answered, holding your hand out for a handshake and he shook it firmly. 
"So L/N-san, you live near here?" Lev asked as you sat on your chair. Before he could answer he left for a while to come back with his bag. He set his bag on the chair beside you and sat down. "He's my seatmate now?" you thought "Yeah, I do live near here. But I'm not from here." you answered his question when he sat down properly. "Oh, I'm born and raised in Japan though I have Russian blood in me!" he said pointing at his long arms "I don't get this tall from Asian blood y'know?" he joked and you were taken aback but laughed. You felt yourself relax a little while talking to Lev. Maybe you were a little nervous? "Settle down kids." The teacher said as the students found their seats and became settled, the teacher stepped up to the front of the classroom. "Alright class, today we're going to be talking about the history of Japan," she began..

"I like Nekoma High, I just hate school" Lev commented while you guys were walking to lunch "How do you like a high school but hate schoo-" you were cut off. "LEV!" someone said loudly inside the cafeteria. Lev jumped a little, startled by the sudden voice and decided to hide behind you "Haiba-san, I can't cover a giant like you" you said bluntly, raising your arms like you're protecting someone. You noticed that a tall figure had called out for Lev was walking towards you both. "Lev, who is this 'Copper Tellurium' trying to protect you?" he pointed at your face. "This is my new friend F/N L/N, she's here to protect me from you!" Lev said glaring weirdly "By the way, your Chemistry flirt sucked." he added, making the rooster headed man laugh a little. "Run 10 laps later" he said while Lev was begging for forgiveness jokingly. "Thanks for calling me cute but what's your name?" you asked, wow these dudes are tall. "I'm Kuroo Tetsuro, at your service L/N-chan" he smiled pushing Lev's face away.

"Two friends in one day, this is fun." You said sitting at the same table as Lev and your new friend, Kuroo. "So are you half Russian too? Why're you tall?" you asked Kuroo, taking a bite from your curry. Lev stifled a laugh knowing you got that from your interaction earlier. "Exercise makes you tall, L/N-chan. You should try it sometime." He smiled and joked, you got a little mildly annoyed when he called you short. "Exercise? Like a gym?" You said, he doesn't look like he lifts weights. "We play volleyball for Nekoma!" Lev exclaimed happily as your eyes widened. "There's volleyball here? Can I watch?" You said excitedly, you enjoyed WATCHING volleyball, playing volleyball is a different story. "I don't see why not, maybe you could be a manager too." Kuroo suggested "We're practicing after school later, you should go to the court with Lev."
"I will be there!" you say happily, if volleyball had a fandom, you would be it's leader. 

Lev, You and Kuroo finished eating and decided to part ways for classes after lunch. "See you later, Tetsuro-senpai" you said waving politely as he walked away "You can call my Kuroo, F/N-chan!" he said loudly, finally disappearing into a corner of the hallway. "Let's get to our next class Haiba-san" you said walking to your classroom with Lev. "You can call me by my first name too" Lev said smiling "Ok F/N-chan?" "Sure Lev-kun" you responded smiling back.

"I can't wait for volleyball practice" you thought smiling to yourself


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2023 ⏰

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