Bad Weather

395 14 13

I sit back against the beach chair on Sandy's ship as everyone just relaxes on Sandy's boat. Sandy is doing some repairs while MK and Mei are enjoying themselves by talking about last week's battle. Coincidentally, Tang is watching the TV when it starts broadcasting said events, with even some footage. "And in breaking news, it's been confirmed that last week's devastation was caused by the legendary Demon Bull King. Questions still remains about the small overpowered young man and woman who saved us all. Authorities warn citizens on..."

That's when MK starts reenacting the fight that happened between the three of us while Mei watches him in awe. "And I was like, "Stop there, Demon Bull King." And D.B.K.'s all like, "You can't two stop me! I'm cwazy!" And then I grabbed my staff, and whoosh! I created this giant mech! And Y/n went all hiyah and stuff!"

Though, when he stabs his staff into the ship, it causes it to spring a leak. His eyes widen as he starts panicking while Mei looks at him. "Uh oh, looks like you sprung a leak, MK."

"Oh jeez!"

I simply watch him panic as I sigh before getting up from the chair and walking over to him. He gives me a pleading look. "Y/n! Help! Use your weird mystical magic! You know, the ones you gained from our fight!"

"I don't have any mystical magic heh. But I know Mei can do something. Mei use your blow torch and a piece of metal to fix the hole."

"You got it, boss!"

MK smiles brightly. "Thank you Y/n! You're a life savior! No wonder Monkey King said to make sure you stay by my side!"

I stop for a split second before looking at him with a smile. Though, before I get to speak, I hear familiar footsteps approaching us. I turn back and see a very angry Pigsy. "Uh oh..."

He marches over to Tang, with a fiery angry look. "I've just pulled a quadruple shift at the shop. And I show up to see you've all been slacking off all day!"

"Oh, Piggy, relax. A little time off never hurt anyone," Tang says while slurping up his noodles and ignoring Pigsy's complaints.

MK smiles brightly, adding to Tang's words. "Yeah! A time off never hurt anybody!"

"You can always call me if you need some help you know, Pigsy.  I am here for you after all."

"I know kid, but you weren't the one I hired. It was MK!"

That's when Sandy shouts out, "Look out!" and a giant crate falls off of the crane as Mei, Tang, and Pigsy jump out of the way while MK and I get crushed under it.

Pigsy's eyes widen in horror as everyone else's does as well. "Kids!"

Luckily, for everyone, the crate begins to glow gold and it explodes. Everyone's eyes widen, wondering if we're okay. When the smoke settles, it reveals a very happy MK and me, just standing there with both of my thumbs up. MK smiles brightly. "I... am... invincible!"

"I'm okay heh."

"Yeah!" Mei shouts out with a smile and goes to hug us tightly. Sandy and Tang lets out a sigh of relief knowing we're okay.

Pigsy looks at MK with a worried look. "Look, MK, just 'cause you got the Monkey King's powers and all, It don't mean-"

But he gets interrupted when Mei pulls a bazooka out of nowhere and aims it at MK as we all gasp. "MK! How about... this?!"

"I don't want to die like this!" I shout out as I scramble away just in time as the missile hits directly

And she proceeds to shoot a missile at him and when it explodes, all of our eyes widen, hoping he really is. Luckily, when the smoke clears, he's perfectly fine, as if he wasn't just shot at. MK smiles brightly and cheers. "I am invincible!"

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