chapter 1

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Dr shen was walking fast in the hospital and it looks like he was searching someone. A worried look on his face tell that he was in an emergency situation. He stops by the nurse and asked " have you seen Dr shun "
nurse " yeah she was in OT ,she just finished .... you should have a look in the scrub room."
Dr shen " thanks "

He went to check in the scrub room . Opening the door he found a lady in her late twenties wearing the doctors robe and was standing there cleaning her hands . He rushed toward her and said

" Dr Shun what are you doing here , I have searching you for like ages ....let's go the director is waiting for you "

She looked at him with a very confused expression and then asked

Bei bei " why is the director looking for me ? what's going on?"

Dr shen was in a rush , and annoyed with her , he said

Dr shen " don't tell me you already forgot that,.. today president of Lee international is coming to discuss about his upcoming surgery....."

Bei bei was shocked after hearing this ,she thought how can she forget such important event and how could she be this dumb. She cleaned her hands and ran out of the room with Dr shen. She was running so fast that Dr wasn't able to catch her and stop to take some

standing in front of the director office she was breathing heavily and blaming herself for forgetting such important thing

shun Bei bei is the most skilled surgeon of the hospital , in a very young age she became a very well-known surgeon and the chief of her group. President Lee have a heart disease which was why he need to undergo the surgery . Dr shun got selected for his surgery because of her excellent work . Because her patient is a very important person she has pressure from all sides , after have so much pressure but then also she forgot about it then she really did the dumbest thing .

Bei bei really love her work and she is a very professional doctor and a expert in her field of work even though she doesn't want any mistake, because it's a matter of life and on that the persone is someone she know and someone who's life holds a greater value ..

while standing in front of the door thinking about her dumb act ......she sigh and took a deep breath, step forward and slowly open the door .
But to her shock she saw someone whom she expected to meet sooner or later but not this early .

the door open , In the office five mens were sitting on the sofa and discussing something while having a cup of tea.
One of them was the director wearing a white robe and other was the assistant surgeon (who will take part in the surgery ) who was standing there with a file in his hand .
On the other side of the table two men were sitting there and one was standing behind the sofa wearing a black suit,
two men sitting on the sofa, one of them was the president in his mid fifties .The other, one was a young man in this late twenties wearing a three piece suit , a very handsome, tall and a build up figure was drinking the tea very elegantly.
he looked up in her direction and gave her a sweet smile .

He was the son of President Lee and Shun bei bei's high school classmates and also her unrequited love....Lee zhou an

Just as she enter the room she greeted everyone and apologize for being late

Bei bei " hello everyone and I'm so sorry for coming late, the thing is I was in a emergency surgery so it took my time ...

President Lee " that's OK , Dr shun a doctors job is to save patients and prioritize life ..
it's good to see that you take your job first. "

Bei bei " I'm glad you understood me I'm really thankful for this "

President Lee laughed and said
" I like your dedication and love you have for your work "

Director " now that your are here let's start with the discussion and prosses"

" ' yes sir ' so President Lee according to your recent report
my suggestion is that you should prepare your self for surgery ASAP . It's not like your condition is not good but I think the earlier we perform the surgery the better it is, it will increase the success rate if you will be in a good condition
and also you might recover from the surgery early. "

" the greater the chances of success are the better it is for you . I think 20th June is the best time for the surgery to be done "

President Lee " 20th June you say ................ 🤔 "

Zhou An " dad I think you shouldn't delay this anymore it will be risky if you continue to push it "

zhou an spoke in a serious tone , president Lee ' hmm' in his response and said

" Dr shun I think you are right I will go with your given date "

Bei bei " it's great than I think by tomorrow you should get admitted here so that I can have a check on your health condition "

President Lee " as you say Dr shun , director Han please prepare the room for me "

director " of course sir don't worry about this I will prepare for your stay here "

The director and President Lee start talking about all the formality and things needed, Bei bei was busy checking the file. Bei bei was look for the thing that needs to get done for tomorrow and was discussing about it with the assistant surgeon who was sitting next to her then suddenly she heard something ...

zhou an " long time no seen shun Bei bei ? "

when she heard that she looked up in the direction the voice came from ,her expression was a little shock but the professional aura around her made her look calm and composed . After a few seconds she regain herself and answered very calmly.

" right long time no seen , anyway nice meeting you again "

" I didn't know you are a surgeon , thanks for what you are doing for us and please take care of my dad "

" don't worry Mr Lee I will try my best , there wouldn't be any complaints "

As they were talking President Lee stood up looked at his son and said " let's go ! "

the director and everybody went after the President to see him off . Director Han was smiling and seeing off the President.

Zhou An and President Lee sat in the car and told the driver to drive it off . Just after they left the hospital building there was a smile on Zhou An face it was like something good happened to him. President Lee noticed his behavior and asked in confusion
" did something happen at the hospital ? , "

Zhou An looked out side the window and smile
" I found something which I lost long time ago "

" Anyway, how did you know Dr shun "

" She was my senior high school classmate ........ "

'and the only persone I love '

Then he lean on the car seat and closed his eyes

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2023 ⏰

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