Chapter 5- Dinner

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Matteo's POV

It was now 6pm, dinner is ready. Marco went to get his kids.

Finding out that my eldest brother has, not one, but two kids that he didn't know about, was and still is a shock. I'm happy though, there will now be happiness in this house ever since our father went missing. After he went missing, everyone just kept to them self, well not really me, I tried to cheer them up and now I have a nephew and a niece to help me do that.

Being taken out of my thoughts, Marco and the twins walk in. Marco sitting at the head of the table with Nico sitting to his left and Natalia sitting on a in between Nico and I.

Dante Nico
Alex Natalia
—— Matteo
—— ——

After everyone has seated we start to eat. Then twins whispered among themselves, Marco glanced at them every now and then, Dante ate quietly, and, well, Alex and I bickered back and forth.

"Matteo if you don't shut up I'm going to shove this fork down your throat."

I huffed, leaning back on my chair, looking at Alex I say, "You shouldn't make threats like that in front of children, apologize to them." I smirked smuggle.

Before Alex could say anything Nico said something in an other language.

"Können sie nicht schon die Klappe halten? Sie verhalten sich mehr wie Kinder als wir."
(Can't they shut up already? They act like kids more than we do.)

Marco, Alex, and I looked at them confused, but then we hear Dante stifle a laugh of his own.

"You guys speak German? I agree on what you said though." Dante asked and told them.

"What did he say?" Alex asked our brother Dante. "Nothing," He replied.

Natalia was softly smiling at Nico shaking her head lightly at him, while he just glared at the plate in front of him.

While all off this was going on Marco as just looking at his son and daughter with a warm look in his eyes. I know he want to be the father they deserve, but he also knows that it might take a while for them used to him, us.

An other 30 minutes go by and everyone is done with dinner. Alex and I head to the game room.

"Let play a few matches." He says, while grabbing 2 controllers, throwing one at me.

Marco's POV (Dad)

After dinner, the twins went up to their room. It was getting late, so I went upstairs to their rooms to say good night.

As I was heading towards Nico's room I heard my daughter, Natalia, talking to Nico, in Nico's bedroom.

"Nico, please, for me. Give them a chance, give our dad a chance. We can ask him why he left us. If you don't like the answer then I'll do whatever you decide."

"Fine." Nico responded.

Hearing that they think I left them made me feel a sharp pain in my chest. A feeling I have never gotten. I'll tell them the truth, I don't want them to hate me.

I knock on Nico's door, waiting for a response. "Come in" Nico's gruffly voice said.

Opening the door I see Nico and Natalia curled up together on Nico's bed. Walking in closing the door lightly behind me, I smile softly at them.

"Ready for bed?"

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