Chapter 8

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(The next day, hospital)

Jungwon's pov

I just got off work and wanted to visit noona today after what eomma said yesterday.

I walked into noona's hospital ward. She was lying on the bed, lifelessly.

I set Maeumi down beside her and there was a shining smile. It grew wider every time I came back with Maeumi.

"Aigoo, my baby. Are you doing well?? I missed you"
Jungyoung showered Maeumi with affectionate rubs.

Maeumi sat on her stomach, wagging his tail while noona adored him.

"How are you doing?"
I sat on the chair. beside her bed.

"Okay. It's the same every week Jungwon"
She replied.

"The doctor said that you're feeling more dizzy nowadays. I collected more money. I'll try and get some more to pay for chemotherapy"
I put my hand over hers.

"What? Jungwon, I don't want to do any form of treatment. Stop trying so hard, just let me rest for my last few weeks"
She circled her thumb on the back of my hand.

Last few weeks..?

"No. I'd be more regretful if I knew you left because I didn't try to do anything to help. Please, noona. Listen to me"
I begged her.

"I know. I know how you feel. But that will add to your burden, and to mom and dad"
She turned her head to look at me.

"I don't want to see you go like this. I don't even visit you often"
I felt warm tears stream down my face.

"If you could give me one chance, just let me help you"
A lump formed in my throat.

She sighed sadly.

"If you really wish to, thank you. I'd rather see you happy than sad at my last breath"
Jungyoung showed a weak smile.

"Now don't cry. I might cry too"
She wiped the tears off my face.

She opened her arms and I came closer to her. She took me into her warm embrace. She patted my back gently.

After a moment of silence, she broke it.

"How's the knitter girl?"
She asked.

"Out of the blue? You want to know about her?"
I pulled away, patting my face with a tissue.

"Why? Can't I?"
She chuckled.

"Well...we started talking about 3 weeks ago? It was because of this little guy"
I ruffled Maeumi.

"Really? Is she nice?"
She asked as I sat back down.

"Yes. She has her own Boutique. Her name is Seo Eunhae"
I said.

"Eunhae? That rings a bell, but I don't recall it fully"
Jungyoung furrowed her brows.

"Hm? Do you know her?"
I questioned.

"I know I've heard that name before. I just don't remember when"
She answered.

"Oh okay. Eunhae made a beanie for Maeumi with cat ears. And also this"
I lifted up my wrist and she saw the bracelet on my hand.

"That's so damn cute. Ugh, I'm sad that I didn't get these sweetie moments before I got stuck to this bed"
She rolled her eyes.

"What 'sweetie moments'? It's just a bracelet"
I stretched the bracelet.

"Hello? Do you need glasses? She gave this to you because she probably has a crush on you"
She gave me a look of utter disbelief.

"Pfft. What do you know? She just has a sickness of 'pink cheeks'. And she says it's because of me"
I pointed to myself.

She laughed. Finally, I made her smile for once.

"Pink cheeks? What's that?"
She continued giggling.

"I don't know? Her cheeks turn pink all of a sudden. Like, at random times when I'm looking at her"
I shrugged my shoulders.

"Jungwon, that's called blushing? She's nervous around you. You don't know anything about girls"
She shook her head in disappointment.

"Okay..and I get nervous around her but my cheeks don't turn pink?"

"You like her don't you? Why else would you get nervous?"
She giggled again.

"What? She was just really near to me once. Anyone would feel nervous. Especially with that beautiful face"
I whispered the last few words.

It was loud enough for noona to hear it though.

"Beautiful face? Hm, now I'm curious. Can you bring her here if she's free? I'd like to see her just once"
Her eyes lit up.

"Oh, okay. I'll ask her sometime"
I replied.

We spent some time talking about our parents and how tired they were while she played with Maeumi.

Other than that, I constantly asked her about her condition.

I will work things out noona.

(At the river, 3.30pm)

Eunhae's pov

Jungwon wasn't here when I arrived. Strange. He's always earlier than me.

I started to get worried because it's already been half an hour since our usual meet up time.

I mean...he comes here to see me, right?

I was busy knitting a scarf for myself when I heard the soft crunches of snow on the ground.

I turned around and saw Jungwon wearing that beanie with cat ears. He was holding Maeumi too.

"Where were you for so long?"
I asked in a soft but worried tone.

"You sound so worried. Relax, I'm here"
He sat down beside me.

"I went to the hospital to see Jungyoung noona. Then I went back home to get this because it was cold and rushed here"
He pointed to the beanie on his head.

My heart did a little jump. He rushed here for me?

"Ohh okay. Also, how's your sister?"
I asked.

"She's doing fine. Don't think about it too much"
He said.

I have a feeling that he's lying.

"She wants to meet you though. Will you come see her?"
He tilted his head cutely.

Just like a cat.

"Sure, but she knows about me? How?"
I was a little surprised.

He suddenly froze. His lips formed into a thin line. I raised a brow at him, waiting.

"Um, yes. She said uh, she heard your name somewhere before. Yeah"
He finally answered.

"Ahh. Okay, when am I meeting her?"

"Next Sunday, since I already visited her today this week"
He replied.

I agreed. I'll finally meet his older sister.

I wonder if she was a cat like Jungwon. She must be pretty too. Imagine how nice she would be.

I'm getting excited to meet the other Yang.

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