Chapter 2(purple x orange)

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Purple POV

I was talking to Orange when I noticed he was blushing "why are you blushing?" I asked him "w-what are you t-talking about hehe" he said nervously "don't play dumb with me Orange" I said "fine I'm in love" he admitted "who" I asked "none of your business" he said "ok it's either you tell me or you have to wear a maid dress for the rest of the next 24 hours" I told him and he looked embarrassed but he still wore the dress and he looked cute in it that I started to blush then my face turned red and I had a nosebleed "Purple are you ok" Orange asked and I nodded while I held my nose then Orange hugged me as his tail wagged and I fainted from how cute he was being soon I woke up to Orange sleeping with his head on my stomach so I took a picture of both of us then I sent to the other rainbow friends and I got so many comments then Orange woke up and saw the picture so he hid his face "so will you tell me why you were blushing earlier or are you going to keep wearing the dress even around the humans" I said "fine I will tell you" Orange said "so why" I asked "i-it's because I l-love you more than a f-friend" he said blushing then I got up and helped him take off maid dress"I love you to Orange" I said to him then we kissed but the kiss was broken afterwards and we did hangout more than usual but red made a potion that will allow us to become human so we got the potion drank it then red gave us clothes as to we turned into humans naked so we got to the changing room and into the clothes then we got out and went to the store to get clothing and I grabbed an orange sweater that was the exact size for me and Orange grabbed a purple sweater that was his size then we got some shirts some underwear and some pants we all then returned back to the play place and me and Orange went to his hideout "so were official" Orange asked "yep" I replied then we kissed before it was time for bed though we turned back to our normal monster forms and we went to sleep

(Sorry it took more then a day to finish this)

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