The War of the Nether

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T̶H̶E̶ W̶A̶R̶ O̶F̶
𝔥ҽ ⋏𝓔︎꓅⊑𝓔︎ꋪ

        Dis woke up from hearing all the commotion from an ongoing war outside. The zombie pigmen had been attacking the piglins for a while. The piglins had been winning for the longest time, but as days turned to months, more and more pigs from the piglins army were dying.

"Prince Dis, His Majesty would like to speak to you" a butler said, "okay, tell His Majesty that I'll be right down" Dis told the butler. He followed the butler downstairs and waited until the butler was done talking to his father for him to walk in. "You wanted to see me?" Dis asked to the King "Yes I did. I would like to have you go and fight. We are losing to many soldiers, and you seem to know how to fight well" the king said. Dis was in disbelief, he never thought that his own father would want him to join a war when he was only 12. Dis had to agree or else their kingdom was going to be overruled and went down to the vault to grab equipment.

      He grabbed all of his stuff and went out to see a mob of zombie pigmen outside the castle. Dis was able to fight off most of the mob but he was getting weaker. One of their best soldiers, Technoblade, stepped in to help Him finish off the rest of them.

They thought that it was finally over, but in the distance, thousands of zombie pigmen were charging at them. Another piglin army came out and started to fight again. Technoblade made Dis go inside the castle to clean his wounds as Techno kept fighting with the army because according to everyone, including Techno "Technoblade never dies". The maids quickly cleaned up his wounds and Dis went back out to keep on fighting. All of the soldiers doubted him but he was fighting better than he ever had.

       Everyone was confused because he had not gotten much training from anyone other than the king. But Techno had been training him every so often so Dis had gotten very good at fighting. He was killing the zombie pigmen in seconds and the rest of the piglin army was helping.

They were to busy fighting to noticed the zombie pigmens prince had been taken by humans. Dis was best friends with the prince of the zombie pigmen, they had to keep it a secret though, or else they'd be banned from ever seeing each other. Dis had seen it out of the corner of his eye and ran after them. He ran towards the person when all of the sudden another guy, who looked like an enderman came and teleported both of them , and the prince away.

    As Dis was going back to his castle he was struck in the back of the head by an arrow.

Dis fell to the ground but still tried to make it back to the castle.

He was hit again.

At that point he wasn't to far away and saw the mob of zombie pigmen getting smaller. Techno looked over and saw Dis, he was barely able to walk but somehow wasn't dead yet.

Techno ran over to him, picked him up, and tried to make it back to the castle. The castle had been swarmed by the mob so Techno found a safe spot to put Dis down for a second while he went inside to get potions.

Dis felt tired.

Techno came back to him and tried to get him to drink a healing potion but it didn't work. Techno didn't have any other option, if that didn't work, nothing would. "Just stay awake kid, that's all you can do right now." Techno told Dis, "Techno, it hurts" Dis whispered. He didn't have enough strength to talk. Dis couldn't help it, he started to close his eyes.

Techno looked back after he killed a zombie that was coming at them, "No! Kid stay awake, just look at me" dis had closed his eyes and wasn't responding. "Kid, wake up, come on, you can do it, just breath!". Techno went to check Dis' pulse.


He was gone.

      Dis saw pure black, but he heard a voice say something. "You didn't deserve this young child, don't worry, I will fix you".


A/N: I am sorry Abt the short chapter cuz it was originally meant to be chapter 1 and 2 as one chapter but it's not. This is my first story so lmk what I should fix. Also this chapter might be updated because of how fucked up the timeline is

Word count: 772

Word goal for next chapter: at least 1000

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