Chapter 33

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Olivia carried on walking in the kitchen and Lucas spotted her, he smiled at her. Olivia smiled back and when she saw Maya scowling at her she decided to divert the attention elsewhere,

"I will go set the table."

"Okay, that's a great idea," Maya replied her.

Olivia took out the table mats and plates and set them on the table. When done, she saw Bernard making his way to the table and he sat down without saying as much as a word to her.

Olivia saw Lucas and Maya approaching with the dishes from the kitchen and they sat them on the table, Lucas took a seat next to her.

They prayed and began with their meal,

"You two make a great team, this meal is divine." Said, Bernard.

"Thank you but I have to give the credit to Lucas," Maya replied.

"No, you were as much of a help as I was, we did this together," Lucas added.

Olivia sat there minding her own business, if they wanted to compliment each other then she would let them do so. Olivia was drawn out of her thoughts when she felt Lucas's hand on her face, she looked at him in surprise.

He gave her an assuring smile, and leaned in to whisper in her ear, "What are you thinking about?"

Before Olivia could reply, Maya had cut her off. "Excuse us, we are here to. Save that for later."

Lucas took of his hand from her face and Olivia smiled at him to reassure him too that she was fine. When everyone was done Olivia stood up, she started to take the dishes to the kitchen.

Lucas stood up and took the rest of them to the kitchen when he saw what she was doing. Olivia filled the sink with water and prepared to wash the dishes.

When Lucas saw what she was doing he rolled up his sleeves to help her but Olivia protested, "You cooked and I will clean."

"But I want to help," Lucas replied.

"Nope, go and sit down and there is not so much to wash here."

Lucas wanted to stay but Olivia pushed him out of the kitchen and she focused on the task that was at hand. She washed the dishes and when she was done she decided to go to sleep.

She walked in and found them in an intense conversation, and she saw that it was just Lucas and Maya. Bernard must have gone to sleep.

"Goodnight," said Olivia.

"Night," Maya smiled at her in delight and Olivia knew that she was glad that she was going to leave her and Lucas alone.

Lucas smiled at her and with that, she felt dismissed, she wore her nightgown and climbed into bed, she tossed and turned wondering what Lucas and Maya were talking about. They had a lot in common so it would not surprise her if they took time. Maya probably understood him way more than she could ever.

Olivia finally drifted off to sleep and when she woke up the next morning she was very hot. She opened her eyes and found that Lucas was holding her so tightly.

Olivia shifted out of his arms slowly after looking at him for a bit, and she went to the bathroom to freshen up. She finished showering and got dressed.

She went and had some breakfast and realized that Maya wasn't also awake yet, which meant she and Lucas had talked all night long.

Olivia checked the time and it was eleven in the morning. She decided to start her work and by two in the afternoon, Lucas finally emerged and had bathed.

He smiled at her with a mug in his hand, he kissed her forehead and sat down.

"I didn't hear you leave the bed," said Lucas.

"I did it quietly so I wouldn't wake you up," Olivia replied.

Lucas nodded, and he grinned, "I want to take you somewhere in two hours' time."

"Okay, " Olivia replied.

Maya emerged and she looked happy to see Lucas until she saw her too, "Morning."

"Morning." Both she and Lucas replied.

"I can't chat much I have to go and paint," said Lucas.

"Okay have fun," Maya replied.

Lucas placed a kiss on her forehead, "I will see you later."

Olivia smiled, "Okay."

Lucas left and Olivia dreaded being left with Maya.

"It was nice chatting with Lucas all night long," said Maya.

Olivia just nodded, and she didn't say anything more. Olivia hadn't realized how much time had passed until she saw Lucas was back.

"Let's go," said Lucas with a gleam in his eyes.

Olivia got up and they started down a road. Lucas took her hand in his and he smiled at her which she reciprocated. When they got to the scenery Olivia could not believe her eyes, they were cherry blossom trees everywhere and they were petals flowing from the sky and she felt so touched that Lucas wanted to share this moment with her.

The light from the sunset made it so surreal and Olivia let go of Lucas's hand and she twirled around laughing and enjoying the scent the blossoms provided.

Lucas came in front of her and Olivia felt very shy and she wondered what he was thinking. The way he was looking at her made her feel like they were butterflies in her stomach and she couldn't seem to control herself and her emotions.


"Huh?" Olivia said nervously and she was surprised with herself, why had she responded in such a manner?

Lucas took out a cherry blossom and put it in her hair, "Beautiful." He remarked.

"Thank you." She croaked out.

"My pleasure. This is how I want the remainder of our days to be spent."

Olivia looked at Lucas when he said those words, his sincerity made this moment more magical that what it had been. Olivia's heart beat fast and Lucas put his arms around her waist, he pulled her closer and Olivia couldn't breathe.

Lucas's lips lowered to hers and Olivia was taken at the moment, her lips softened underneath his and she grasped the front of his shirt.

Early access to chapters: 

The Prostitute and The PainterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora