Here I go

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Here I go first day of Hogwarts here I come.



Finally we arrive to the train station and me and mum are looking for the entrance to platform 9 and 3 quarters.

After a couple minutes searching there it is... we'll I think it is.

"So I just run into it?" I ask mum with a weird
Impression on my face.


If she would have said that any louder everyone's ears in the station would've blown off .

As I get ready to run through what looks like a bricked wall. Mum pulls me in a tight hug. And surprisingly I hug back just as tight. It's just hit me that I won't see mum this whole semester.

"Good luck Cindy I know you'll do great" mum saids in a hushed tone as she pulls away.

"Thanks mum I'll miss you."

And just like that my feet are moving. Moving fast at that. And suddenly it's like I'm in another world. A big red train that looks like it's about to take off and a HUGE GIANT guy with long fluffy brown hair with a long fluff brown bread is yelling at kids to get on the train.

I Carry my heavy luggage up the train to find a compartment.

Finally I found one where no one's in and place my luggage on the the rail. I let out a sigh of relief as I get comfortable on my seat when the door opens.

"Umm excuse us but all the other compartments are taken you mind if we squeeze in with you" a red headed girl speaks.

This girl was accompanied by another girl but with bright blue eyes and blond hair. Not to mention this red headed girl look similar to the two boys I saw at the broom store in Diagon ally.

"Oh ofc not make your self comfortable".

Normally I'd say no to a bunch of randoms but from there point of view I was the random. Besides I am absolutely FRIENDLESS sooo this would be good chance to get to know the people here at Hogwarts.

"Thank you!!" She said as they both have a seat in front of me. "I'm Ginny Weasley"

I've should've known this girl looks an awful like what'd I'd picture a Weasley would look like.

The other girl speaks up "And I'm Luna Lovegood".

I was a bit Taken back by her voice being so
cute and light.

"Nice meet too two my names Cynthia" I wonder weather i should say my last name but rather not draw attention to myself and leave it at that.

"Why haven't I seen you around?" "What year are you in? Ginny's saids.

"Im in year 5 and the reason you probably haven't seen me before is because I'm new to Hogwarts" I reply.

"Holy shit welcome!" Ginny replies.

"What house would you like to be in Cynthia?" Luna asks?

"We'll Im not quite sure" "what do the houses represent?" I say.

"We'll Ravenclaw is the house renowned for wisdom and for only accepting the cleverest students and Hufflepuff is the most inclusive among the four houses; valuing hard work, patience, loyalty, and fair play rather than a particular aptitude in its members. While Gryffindor is the house renowned for its courage and chivalry, where 'the brave at heart' dwell and lastly Slytherin are known for being ambitious, cunning, and resourceful but everyone knows slytherins are known for being bullys there hasn't been a one slytherin that has gone down a good path." Ginny answers

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