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yk waht hurts the most is that for seven fucking years the person i thought was my best friend supposedly hated me.

i don't understand, i did everything thing to help her be with her, and im the bad person? im the bitch now?


i push people away thats on me , but people like her is  exact reason i do. bc every fucking time i love someone they leave and its always the same fucking speech before too. ' i wouldn't leave you, i love you ' ' im always gonna be here ' just do us both a favor and shut up bc yk its not true.

i get it im alot ok im sick in the head. im broken. im a project no one could fix. something everyone gave up on.

im tired im so freaking tired and it hurts. everything hurts.

i have two people i love and i think love me. but i always have a constant worry of what happens when they relize im a horrible person? what happens when they relize im too broken beyond repair? what then? i already know the answer they leave.


im tired of the depression and the anxiety im tired of the eating disorder. im just tired.


i swear im trying. and im sorry im so sorry

they gave up. and i was trying. i was trying and it wasn't enough. all i ever wanted was to be enough. and bc i spent my time trying they all left so oh well i guess.

now i can't even cry bc nth compares to the other pain i have felt so i just don't react.

i hate im this way. i hate the daddy issues and the mommy issues i hate the attachment issues the trust issues.

everything that everyone hates about me i promise i hate more.

i just wanna disappear. stop texting stop calling. everything. not like anyone would care. and if they did they would move on pretty quick.

i just don't understand. help me just help me. please help me.

it hurts. it hurts so much.

just make it stop someone make it stop.

please make it stop.

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