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  TW: metions of alcohol



It's been one week since Kit went missing. Kit, the most popular girl in school, my girlfriend. 

It's been a little under two months since Clarice was found dead at a Harry Styles concert and Kit has been acting weird since that girl, Annabelle was arrested for her murder. I'm going to her house today to see if I can find something that might tell me where she is. Kate is coming with me. I don't know why, but she volunteered to help. I text Theodore and Kate to meet me at Kit’s house. When I got there Kate and Theodore were already waiting outside. No cars are in the driveway, but we ring the bell anyway. When nobody answers we try to open the door. “ It's unlocked,” Theodoor said, turning the handle “ How convenient”. We walked into the house and the first thing I saw was the living room. “Holy sh!t,” Theodore said, looking at the mountain of beer cans on the coffee table and plugging his nose from the smell. “Let's hurry before her dad gets back,” I said walking toward the hall, looking for her bedroom. Walking inside her room I could see papers scattered across the floor, photos and articles. And then I saw a sheet of paper with a name on the top. It said: Annabelle Roberts arrested for the murder of Clarice Williams. I picked up the sheet and paperclipped to it, a photo. It was of Kit and by the looks of it her mother. They were both smiling. Then in the background, I saw another person staring at Kit and her mother, upon looking closer I could see she was very familiar. I showed the photo to Kate and Theodore “Is that- is that Annabelle?” Kate said looking closely at the person in the image “ It must be '' Theodore said. “  Why would Kit have a photo of Annabelle?” “I'm not sure, but this photo had to have been taken at least a year ago,” I said looking through the other papers. In the corner of her room, there was a stack of lined paper, it looked like they were letters. Kate and Theodore walked over to see. I read the first paper. It was one sentence. Dear Dead Mom, this therapist is no help. I continued to go through the letters until I saw one that said: Dear dead mom, who would pay 3,500$ just so I could go on some dumb school trip. “ Wait, someone paid for Kit to go on the trip?” Kate said, reading over my shoulder, “why would somebody do that?” “ Maybe it was one of her friends?” Theodore asked “I don't know, but we’ll have to ask them” I responded going through the rest of the letters until I got to the last one. I stared at the paper in shock. “What does it say?” Theodore asked. I showed him the letter, unable to say anything. “Dear dead mom, The person who killed you’s name is Annabelle Roberts. She will spend her life in prison for the murder of Clarice Williams. But that’s not enough. I want her to suffer as you did. Like Clarice did, I am going to get revenge on Annabelle Roberts even if it means I will have to spend the rest of my life in that very same prison.” Theodore read out loud in a shaky voice. “Wait, so Kit… Kits going to kill Annabelle…” Kate said in a quiet voice “ She wouldn't do that,” Theodore said “Would she?” “I guess so” I responded, still dazed. “ We need to find her, and stop her before she does something stupid,” Kate said, interrupting my thoughts. “How are we going to do that?” Theodore asked. “ Well, we can start by figuring out who paid for her to go on the trip,” I said. “ Something about that is suspicious.”

Dear Dead Mom, IIOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora