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TW: blood/murder

Today we will meet up at lunch so we can go ask Kit’s friends if they're the ones who paid for Kit to go on the trip. When we walked up to Alice, Selina, and Leah they looked at us with confusion “What do you want?” Selina asked in a not-so-polite way. “We have a question,” Theodore said, sitting at their table. “What is it?” Alice said, looking up from her phone, as Kate and I sat down with Theodore. “Did any of you guys pay for Kit to go on the trip to Los Angeles?” I said watching their faces become even more puzzled. “ Why would Kit need us to pay for the trip?” Leah said, putting down her book. It took me a second to realize they were serious. “Yeah, she's, like, super rich,” Alice said. “Wait, so if they didn't pay for it….who did?’ I whispered to Theodore. We left and agreed that we should go to the prison Annabelle is in after school, she might be able to tell us something.

We looked up at the gray, lifeless prison in front of us. Everything was silent. You would think the place was abandoned. The three of us walked up to the tall, chain-link fence, an emotionless guard standing there waiting for us to approach. “Purpose of entry?” he said in a deep voice “Visiting,” I said, trying to sound tough. I don't think it worked. The gate swung open and we started walking across the dead grass to the doors of the tall gray prison. The guard at this door asked “Names and purpose of visit?” “Kate, Charlie, and Theodore, visiting” I responded again, both Theodore and Kate looking intimidated by the guard.”Enter” The guard said, doors to the prison. We walked in approaching a third guard “Please state who you’re visiting” he spoke in a softer voice than the other guards. “Annabelle Roberts,” Theodore said, speaking for the first time since we arrived. Less than two minutes later, Annabelle Roberts was standing in front of us. She looked terrible like she hadn't showered in days. We ended up sitting across from her, separated by a glass barrier, a phone on either side. I picked up the phone on our side as Kate and Theodore waited patiently. She asked me a few questions, to which I answered blankly. Then after a couple of minutes, I asked “Do you know where Kit may be?” She became pale and looked like she was about to hang up, but before she could I quickly said “Stop.” She looked around the room like she was making sure nobody else was listening before she quietly said “Provo” I thanked Annabelle and the three of us left the prison, quickly going to Theodore's car. Kate grabbed her phone to put the directions in, and before I knew it, we were in Provo.

“Okay, we’re here,” Theodore said in a shaky voice, pulling over so we could discuss what to do next. “How are we supposed to find Kit?” Kate asked from the backseat of the car. “ well, it's almost 11 pm. Maybe we should find a place to sleep, and look for her in the morning.” I suggested. “Sounds good,” Theodore said, yawning. He started the car, and pretty soon, we were at just about the sketchiest motel I had ever seen, but alas it was the first one we saw. Theodore went to check us into the hotel, while Kate and I went to look around the motel. I decided now would be a good time to ask her about something that had been bothering me for a while. “Why did you volunteer to help me look for Kit?” I asked as we started walking down one of the halls, a light flickering as we walked past it. “I-I don't know,” she said quietly “I guess I just knew that she would have done the same thing for me.” At that exact moment, we heard a loud BANG like the glass on a window breaking. We ran toward the sound, hearts racing scared of what we may find. We followed the sound to the end of the hall. We opened the door, the window on the far wall shattered. And standing next to the window…..Kit? She turned around to face us. She had this crazy look in her eyes, I barely recognized her. “Kit…” Kate said taking another step into the room “You shouldn't be here,” She said in a voice that almost didn't belong to her, she took a step towards the window she had previously smashed “Kit…what are you doing?” I asked as she slowly reached down and grabbed a piece of the shattered glass from the floor. She started to walk toward us. Kate and I backed up against the wall on the right side of the room. Then I realized that Kit wasn't heading toward us, she was going to the door “Kit...Where are you going” Kate asked as Kit reached for the door “ I’m not going anywhere,” Kit said slowly closing the door “And neither are you,” She said locking the door shut “Kit…why are you doing this?” I said grabbing Kate’s hand and backing up toward the window “Because,” Kit said following us, playing with the glass shard “You already know too much” she said in a bitter voice, walking toward us knowing that were cornered “And that's a problem” she was only a few feet away now “Kit….?” Kate said in a quiet voice. Kit was inches away from her now. She took another step, close enough for Kate to feel her breath. “Goodbye Kate” Kit said, reaching out with the glass shard. I heard Kate gasp and fall to the ground. Blood spilled everywhere. I screamed. This isn't Kit. She wouldn't do this. Kate was lifeless on the ground as Kit turned toward me, her glass shard dripping with blood. Tears fell from my eyes as Kit walked toward me and away from a dead Kate “Kit….” was the last thing I could say before she stabbed me. Pain jolted through me as she pulled the glass shard from my stomach “Goodbye Charlie” was the last thing I heard before the world started to slow down, my vision blurred and everything faded.

Dear Dead Mom, IIOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora