-Scenerio 1: Meeting Them- (OPEN)

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Scenario 1 (If Crush is ADA and Your Criminal):
You were currently causing problems and the ADA was on the case. They weren't sure what to look for other than some reports. Crush was walking down the road when you ran and bumped into them. You fell and their book fell with the notes onto the road. You looked up at them to apologize but they spoke first.
   "Quick help me pick these up. You made the mess so minus we'll help me carry this" he/she demanded and you nodded, going to help.

Scenario 2 (if both ADA):
You worked at the ADA (Armed Detective Agency) and were recently assigned a case with crush. You hadn't really talked to them and neither had they. Secretly though you had a crush on this person too. You were working at your desk when you herd a voice.
" (Y/N)is it?"  Spoke crush. You looked up to see crush looking down at you.

Scenerio 3 (Criminal and your in ADA):
You walk through the city looking for crush on a case. You haven't met crush yet but had a document on them. You walked through the city being on alert. Your partner (you pick) was helping you but none to be seen. It wasn't till you walked into a alleyway that you and partner where attacked where you passed out. You woke up to be in chains with partner passed out next to you and looked up to see crush standing right in front of you looking down at you.

Scenerio 4 (both criminals):
You were currently trying to sneak into the office of (crush) not aware they were watching you. You had recently got told crush was possibly a traitor and had something worth a lot stored in his/her room. Being selfish but also curious you unlocked the door slowly walking in going through hours and looking in locked boxes. It didn't take long for you to hear someone behind you.
"Care to explain?" Spoke a voice.
You turned around to see crush with arms folded not looking the happiest.

Scenerio 5: (make it up)

Alright! Comment: Name, Gender, Crush, Gift, Status, smut on/off, # Scenerio

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