Everything is back to normal

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Anti woke up groaning in annoyance as the morning light shone in his eyes. He hovered his arm over his face to block it out, but quickly discovered it was bigger. He quickly got out of bed and rushed into the bathroom to look in the mirror and when he did his eyes widened. He was an adult again! Marvin's antidote had worked! He ran out of the bathroom, down the stairs, and into the kitchen to be greeted by Marvin.

"It worked. See, I told you, you could do it." Marvin said, looking over at the demon with a soft smile.

Anti looked at Marvin a bit confused. Wasn't their behavior going to go back to the way it used to?

"Don't worry, Anti. I was thinking today before Jack gets home if you want to go to the mall. Evelien already said it was alright. JJ and Jackie want to tag along too, if that's alright with you of course?" Marvin said, pouring himself a cup of coffee.

"U-Uh, sure. I don't mind if they tagged along." Anti said, before walking to the table.

Anti was so confused he looked over at Marvin which the magician quickly noticed.

"Yes, Anti? Is there something you wanted to say?" Marvin asked, sitting down at the table next to him, looking at him with a soft smile.

"Aren't we going to yell at each other during our hangout? Or..." Anti asked, giving Marvin an unsure look.

"If that's what you're worried about, don't. Because it's not going to happen. I don't seem to see a reason to fight in public. Besides, we all said that we would hangout with you more since that's what you want, it is what you want, right?"

Anti nodded, looking away embarrassed. He didn't like to admit certain things that he wanted, but spending time with his brothers was certainly one thing he really wanted.

Marvin smiled and ruffled his hair playfully causing the demon to growl in annoyance, "That's all you had to say, bro. If you want to hangout with us more, don't be afraid to tell us."

Anti groaned slightly, he didn't want to admit it he wished he was a kid again, but he didn't want to put Marvin through that hell again. He sighed softly leaning back in his chair slightly which was quickly stopped by Henrik.

"Be careful, Anti. You may not be a child anymore, but still don't vant you getting hurt." Henrik said, walking over to the coffee pot.

"When will you ever stop worrying about people? I can take care of myself y'know!" Anti growled out.

"To answer your question, I vill never stop worrying about the well-being of others. I am a doctor after all! Secondly, I know that since you're no longer a child, but zhat doesn't mean I von't worry about your well-being." Henrik replied, waving off the demon.

Anti growled deeply, slightly annoyed with the doctor. Soon everyone piled up into the kitchen. They were all glad Anti was back to normal. They were deciding who's turn it was to prepare breakfast for everyone.

"I'll make my famous omelets again!" Chase suggested, smiling happily.

"No offense Chase, but I'm really not up for omelets today." Jackie said, shaking his head slightly.

"Why not?! I thought you liked them!" Chase said, pouting slightly.

"I do like them! You act like it's the end of the world! All I said I wasn't up for omelets." Jackie said, swatting him on the back of the head.

Anti listened to all sorts of suggestions, but no matter what some of them don't feel like eating the others suggestions. Anti soon had enough of this and butted in.

"Let's just go out for breakfast. That way we can get what we're craving for breakfast." Anti suggested, rolling his eyes slightly.

Everyone looked at each other, but soon agreed to Anti's suggestion. They all went their separate ways to get ready to go out for breakfast. Once everyone was ready they headed out to the nearest diner. They all sat down in a large booth, taking a menu that was being passed out to them by a waiter. Once everyone decided what they wanted they all ordered and waited for their food to be delivered to them. Anti just sat there in the middle between Chase and Marvin listening to everyone's conversation going on; he can't help but feel that there's something wrong. They all acted like nothing had happened which really unsettled him. He didn't like how easily they could blow something off that happened weeks ago. Evelien quickly took notice of Anti and frowned at the demon.

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