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Hey y'all just sayin now this is my first time writing a book so if it's bad then i'm sorry.

Suna looked at his phone opening a snap from a girl with the name die4Mora<3

the picture was a brown skinned girl with curls put in a messy ponytail, she was throwing up the middle finger and sticking her tongue out

she had a gold nose ring on each side and green acrylics


Die4Mora<3: Nfs?

fw_Suna: sure

Die4Mora<3: Cool, what's your last name
or the name you prefer me to call you

fw_Suna: My last name is Suna

Die4Mora: okk
well my last name is Mei, i don't think we on first name basis yet so i'll leave that out

fw_Suna: ight
ngl i gotta question but I hope it's not offensive

Die4Mora: ok💀 waht is it

fw_Suna: whatchu mixed with

Die4Mora: i'm blasian, and before you ask, my mom is the Japanese one🗿

fw_Suna: oh ok, nah don't take it a different way i was just curious

Die4Mora: mhm
ight so you seen me
can i see you...

"who you texting"

Kimora looks over the the right to see her best friend Reimi peeking over her phone "this boy on snapchat" Kimora shifts her phone over so Reimi can get a better look

"ouuu what he look like" Reimi asks "girl that's what i'm tryna figure out" Kimora sighs

Kimora's phone goes off as she gets a notification from snapchat, "he sent a picture" she gasps

The picture was a boy with a black nike hoodie with the strings tied up. His hair was brown and his eyes were greyish yellowish.

"oh shit" Kimora gawked "what" Reimi quickly scooted next to her best friend "damnnn"

"He's hot asf" they both said in unison

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jul 16, 2023 ⏰

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