chapter 2

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Armand(tism) unzipped the younger vampire's weird gay vampire pants (I think they're like . Uh fucking. Yk. Like. That stretchy pants that people used to wear . Gay) and took a gander at those nuteroonies.

"Sorry I'm on my boi period...." Lestat managed to say as he bled out on the ground

"It's okay " Armand said huskily "that's how we know you're not boipregnant again. A period don't stop nothing but a sentence, baby. Let me have your balls in my mouth."

"If you put it that way...."

Armand tism smirked and licked Lestat's hairy BALLSACK or as the Fr*nch like to call it, bul de sac.

"Your balls, Lestat. I must say, they're... pretty amazeballs." Armandtism chuckled softly, looking at Lestat romantically

"You have a way with words, Armand." They kissed yaoi style


A recording device was dropped causing a noise on the ground. Armand whipped around, knowing exactly what this was. "Daniel!" He stared in shOCk.

The two twinks stared each other down with the heat of a thousand scorching quasars, barely able to contain themselves.

"Hahaha, bad time? 😂" said Daniel with the passion and grandeur of a marvel movie actor.

"Come join us" Armand said hornily.

IWTV (sexy) (hot) (yaoi)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora