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„Hey, you dropped something... my jaw". She looked at the guy who came up to her at the bar. She had been sitting with her friends, drinking, and chatting, having a good time. She looked him up and down. He did not look like the type she was into but seemed funny. "I'm sorry, my names Marcus". He grabbed his sleeve and played around with it. She smiled. "I'm Violet".
They ended up talking for the night.
"Yeah, good point, yeah... Oh uhm- could I maybe also get your number?" Violet smiled, "I was wondering, why you hadn't asked already!" Marcus handed his phone into her hand, and she took it smilingly. She typed her number into his phone and handed it back. Her friends were still at the bar, talking. She leaned in along and kissed him on the cheek before disappearing in the crowd. Marcus lifted his hand to his cheek, slightly touching it. He smiled, turned around and left the bar. Violet had walked back to her friends.
"Oh my god, I passed you two earlier and heard you talking about cats! In a bar! Is he the animal type of guy?" Lizz jokingly pushed Violet into her side. "I saw him handing his phone into your hand without a blink! He totally trusts you", her other friend held her drink into Violet's direction, Mary. "I gave him my actual number, he seemed very nice. We not only talked about animals but also family and friends and stuff. He told me that he was working nearby and invited me to a café there", Violet dreamed about to her friends. "Oh, when are you going to go there?", "He said next Tuesday" Violet responded. "Oh Mary, I don't have time Tuesday, you?" Lizz turned over to her. "I have time, don't worry. But did you tell him about me?" Violet shook her head, "No". They kept talking about Marcus for the night before the girls went home.

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