❄️ The Daydreamer's Club | ASNA ❄️

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Reviewed by: -cookiesnmilk-

Book title: The Daydreamers' Club: Class of 2001

Author: RookWri78


Title: 5/10

At first glance, the title does not intrigue me, nor does it give me any idea about the story. But after reading the prologue, I understand what it means, but it still doesn't interest me. The Daydreamers' Club could be anything. Your novel is full of action, adventure and suspense. This title does not do it justice. When I read the title, sci-fi was the last thing on my mind. I expected the story to be teen fiction with a tinge of fantasy. I suggest you change the title, maybe shorten it as well, so that it fits your work.

Cover: 6/10

There's blue and grey in your cover, which again gives me a teenfic vibe. For a novel like yours, I'd expect the cover to be red, brown or orange. In colour psychology, blue represents stability, harmony, and peace. And your novel is quite far from that. The people in the cover represent your characters, which is great. In my opinion, the font does not suit the genre. Maybe make it a little thicker, change the colour and the position. Enlarge it as well. It would be brilliant if you added the sci-fi elements of your story (like the magbots) in your cover, especially their red eyes. It will make the cover more prominent.

Blurb: 9/10

I really like your blurb. It is short, easy to comprehend, and gives just the right amount of information to hook your readers. Though I don't see why you need to capitalise the first sentence. It only makes it hard to read. Otherwise, good job!

Writer's Craft: 7/10

You have a nice vocabulary, your sentences are easy to read and I just really love them! You know your grammar and punctuation, which I don't see often. So, great job!

I'd like to focus more on the storytelling part of your novel.

The first part of your prologue is perfection! You start your book in the middle of action, which is a great technique to make your readers scream WHAT? Appropriate sentences, great vocabulary, and perfect narration.

The next two parts are good as well. However, you don't have to mention the exact ages of your characters in the prologue. This will break the tension. The prologue starts in the middle of the action, you don't want your readers to get distracted. You have your entire novel to tell your readers about your characters. Right now, just focus on the adventure. Similarly, no need to say that the two of your characters are nerds.

The rest of your prologue is great! It's full of emotions and suspense.

The first chapter introduces your character in a very humorous way! I really like it. See, this is how you develop your characters; not in the prologue. Also, the way you introduce IT as 'IT' is just SO good! It makes me want to just reach the end and find out what IT is.

The rest of your chapters flow nicely.

Characters: 10/10

I had a lot of trouble memorising the names of your characters, but I was still able to distinguish between them because of how unique they are. Their voices stand out even in the prologue. Awesome work here. Since there are only two chapters of the edited version, and your characters are already so distinct, I'm sure they will be properly developed by the end of the novel.

Creativity: 10/10

I can see how creative the plot is even though I've only read the first two chapters. It has a lot of potential. Make sure to fill in the plot holes as you go.

Overall: 47/60

The main work is really good. You need to work on the first impression (title, cover). The rest needs some tweaking but it will become perfect on the way.

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