Fluff: I DO...

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A/N- check out@blue-razzberry for our collaboration info in his feed

Tweek POV: 

Its the day... "are you excited" my best friend Bebe asked. "Very" I said "im not sweatin' for nothing" "relax tweek Wendyl said. wendyl is gender neutral so they could've been a best man but I called dibs. "Let's do this." I say and we walk out of our hotel room to get to the preparation room (forgot what its called) 

Craig POV: 

"Oh mah god" I hear Token say as he looked at me. "I can see your armpit sweat man" "shut up token" I respond as he laughed. "Relax Craig, you love tweek and he loves you it shouldn't make you SO nervous" I signed and managed a grin " I guess your right" I say and pull each of them into an arm hug thing "lets go add another tucker to the mix" Clyde laughed. I hit him on the head and we left to go to the altar. 

Bebe POV: 

Im so happy for Tweek, he found someone. He's so lucky to find himself a mAn lol. We've always been good friends so this made me happy and the maid of honor WHAT?! he's so kind

Clyde POV: 

best man huh? 

3rd Person POV: 

*wedding music* 

*here comes the bride plays* 

Tweek comes down the aisle in a flowy feminine suit. Craig almost cries. 

When Tweek arrives at the alter. "Now.." the officiater says 

"Tweek do you take Craig to be your lawfully wedded husband?" "I-agh- I do" he responds. "Craig do you take Tweek to be your lawfully wedded husband?" "I do" I said smiling. 

A/N- my collaboration story is going to be the main concern so if. there are short chapters or not a lot of updates that why we are releasing info on 6/21/23- this Wednesday and the story is going to be realeased on July 1st. peace out 

318 words 

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